Hurricane Matthew Coordination Message #2
Hello to all…
..Hurricane Matthew causing significant damage and flooding in Eastern Cuba and the Bahamas after causing severe damage in portions of Haiti, particularly southern and western areas and portions of the Dominican Republic in southern areas. Next in line for a potential significant strike are portions of eastern Florida, and Southeast Georgia possibly extending into South Carolina between Thursday and Saturday. Amateur Radio hurricane nets will be active for the next several days relaying reports on conditions from Hurricane Matthew along his path..
..Hurricane Matthew’s impacts on Southern New England are no longer expected at least through the next 5 days and the Columbus Day Weekend no longer looks to be directly impacted by Matthew though some rain may occur over part of the weekend relating to a front moving through the region. Models have shifted the track of Matthew well to the south of the region at least through the next 5 day period..
..No SKYWARN Activation in association with Hurricane Matthew is expected in Southern New England through Monday and this will be the last coordination message on Hurricane Matthew unless a potential threat to Southern New England redevelops..
Hurricane Matthew has caused significant damage and flooding in Eastern Cuba and the Bahamas and across southwest and southern portions of Haiti and the Dominican Republic. From there, impacts to Florida, Southeast Georgia and possibly extending into South Carolina between Thursday and Saturday with Matthew potentially reintensifying to category-IV intensity. The track of Hurricane Matthew and how close it gets to the Southeast US coast will determine whether hurricane force conditions occur over these coastal areas or stay just offshore. At this time, its anticipated for hurricane force conditions to reach at least portions of the Southeast US coast especially in the Hurricane Warning area and potentially in the Hurricane Watch areas. Amateur Radio hurricane nets will be active over the next several days. Links to their web sites follow below:
Hurricane Watch Net – HWN:
VoIP Hurricane Net – VoIPWXNet:
Over the past several model cycles, the threat for Southern New England has diminished greatly especially over the 5 day period. Models now depict after a front moves through the region that will not be strong enough to bring Matthew northward or northeastward, blocking high pressure will develop keeping Matthew contained along and off of the Southeast US coast over this period. With the reduced risk to Southern New England, this will likely be the last coordination message on Hurricane Matthew from a Southern New England perspective unless a potential threat for Matthew materializes again.
We do encourage SKYWARN Spotters and Amateur Radio Operators who know other Amateur Radio Operators, SKYWARN Spotters or friends and family from the affected areas of Hurricane Matthew from the east coast of Florida through Southeast Georgia and South Carolina to gather reports, pictures and videos from this area. This information can be shared with the National Hurricane Center, media outlets and the local NWS Forecast offices of their given areas as needed. This information and pictures can be sent in as a reply to this email, via the WX1BOX Facebook and Twitter feeds or via
While Hurricane Matthew’s threat at least through the 5 day period no longer exists, we encourage folks to continue to the monitor the track of Hurricane Matthew. Below is the NWS Taunton Hazardous Weather Outlook and Area Forecast Discussion as well as the National Hurricane Center (NHC) Hurricane Matthew Advisory and Information graphics link and the NWS Taunton Hurricane Preparedness Information and Safety Tips:
NWS Taunton Hazardous Weather Outlook:
NWS Taunton Area Forecast Discussion:
National Hurricane Center (NHC) Hurricane Matthew Advisory Information and Infographics:
NWS Taunton Hurricane Preparedness Information and Safety Tips:
This will be the last coordination message on Hurricane Matthew from a Southern New England perspective unless a threat from Matthew for Southern New England redevelops.
Respectfully Submitted,
Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Assistant Section Emergency Coordinator
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875 (After 6 PM)
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503 (After 6 PM)
Work Phone #: 508-346-2929 (8 AM-5 PM)
Email Address:
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