Storm Coordination Message #1 – Tuesday 12/9/14 Coastal Storm Potential

Hello to all..

..Coastal Storm System Will Affect the Region Tuesday Morning through Tuesday Evening with the potential for strong to damaging winds, heavy rainfall, and minor to possibly moderate coastal flooding. There is also a possibility of some heavy wet snow accumulation in northwest parts of the NWS Taunton coverage area..
..A High Wind Watch is now in effect from Tuesday Morning through Tuesday Evening for Eastern Essex County Massachusetts and Cape Cod and the Islands for sustained winds of 20-30 MPH with wind gusts to 50-60 MPH. This may result in isolated to scattered pockets of tree and wire damage and power outages..
..Heavy rainfall may result in some urban and poor drainage flooding across portions of Southern New England potentially impacting the evening commute..
..Minor coastal flooding and beach erosion is possible at the time of high tide depending on the time of peak winds in East Coastal Massachusetts..
..SKYWARN Activation with Ops at NWS Taunton are likely Tuesday. Exact timeframe will be better defined in future coordination messages. A more complete coordination message will be issued Monday Morning. Below is the NWS Taunton High Wind Watch Statement, Hazardous Weather Outlook and Snowfall Map..

NWS Taunton High Wind Watch Statement:

NWS Taunton Hazardous Weather Outlook:

NWS Taunton Snowfall Map:

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Assistant Section Emergency Coordinator
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875 (After 6 PM)
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503 (After 6 PM)
Work Phone #: 508-346-2929 (8 AM-5 PM)
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Storm Coordination Message #1 – Tuesday Afternoon 12/2/14-Wednesday Morning 12/3/14 Light Wintry Mix Event

Hello to all..

..Light Wintry Mix May Affect parts of the Evening Commute Tuesday Evening and possibly the Morning Commute Wednesday Morning in northern and western parts of the NWS Taunton Coverage Area..
..A Winter Weather Advisory is now in effect for Cheshire and West-Central Hillsborough Counties of Southern New Hampshire and Franklin, Western Hampshire and Western Hampden Counties for 1-3″ of snow and a trace of ice accumulation from 1 PM Tuesday Afternoon through 9 AM Wednesday Morning for Massachusetts Counties and 1 PM Tuesday Afternoon through 11 AM Wednesday Morning for Cheshire and West-Central Hillsborough Counties of Southern New Hampshire. Precipitation is expected to start as snow, mix with sleet and then change to freezing rain around/after midnight in this area with precipitation changing to rain some time Wednesday Morning. Areas outside of the Winter Weather Advisory will see a brief period of wintry mix changing to rain tonight. The precipitation may start towards the end of the evening commute in eastern areas..
..SKYWARN Self-Activation will monitor this storm through Wednesday Morning for snow and ice totals and precipitation type changeover info. Below is the NWS Taunton Winter Weather Advisory Statement and Hazardous Weather Outlook and the NWS Taunton Winter Weather Page of graphics for this storm system..

NWS Taunton Winter Weather Advisory Statement:

NWS Taunton Hazardous Weather Outlook:

NWS Taunton Winter Weather Page:

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Assistant Section Emergency Coordinator
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875 (After 6 PM)
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503 (After 6 PM)
Work Phone #: 508-346-2929 (8 AM-5 PM)
Email Address:
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Post Storm Coordination Message #2 – Wednesday 11/26/14-Thursday Morning 11/27/14 Major Winter Storm for New Hampshire and Northern and Western Massachusetts

Hello to all..

..We hope all SKYWARN Spotters and Amateur Radio Operators had a Happy Thanksgiving. Thanks again to all for their support during the recent Wednesday 11/26/14-Thursday 11/27/14 Major Winter Storm..
..The Major Winter Storm blanketed Southern New Hampshire and Western Massachusetts with 5-10″ of snow with higher amounts up to 13″. In New Hampshire, widespread tree and power line damage has occurred in Central and Southern parts of the state with over 200,000 people without power at the height of the storm and close to 35,000 without power at the height of the storm in northern and far Western Massachusetts in the higher elevations. All Massachusetts residents power was restored by Thanksgiving Evening. As of Saturday Afternoon, there remains approximately 27000 without power in New Hampshire per Public Service of New Hampshire (PSNH) with that number possibly being a bit higher counting other New Hampshire utilities. Utility crews from New Brunswick Canada, Massachusetts and Connecticut are assisting New Hampshire utilities with the outages..
..Lower elevation locations in interior Western, Central and Northeast Massachusetts and Northern Connecticut had 1-3″ of snow with isolated higher amounts in some locations that are up at 400-600 foot levels..
..Southeast New England sustained wind gusts of greater than 45 MPH and isolated pockets of tree and wire damage along with 1.5-2.5″ of rain from this storm system..
..Post storm damage pictures if it is safe to do so and without getting in the way of public safety or utility companies over Southern New Hampshire and Northern and Western Massachusetts are still helpful in documenting the event and to understand the extent of damage for state, federal emergency management officials, the National Weather Service offices of Taunton MA and Gray Maine. Credit will be given to the spotter for providing the pictures..
..Another post storm coordination message will follow by Monday Morning if there are any substantial updates. Below is the NWS Taunton Local Storm Report and Public Information Statement giving an overview of storm related damage and snow, rain, wind reports over the area as well as the WX1BOX last storm log issued at 1155 PM Wednesday 11/26/14 and the WX1BOX Facebook Album showing pictures of what has been received to date..
..PSNH Outage Update Information links have also been posted in this post storm coordination message..

NWS Taunton Local Storm Report:

NWS Taunton Public Information Statement – Snow/Rain/Wind Measurement Reports:

WX1BOX Amateur Radio Storm Reports Log:

WX1BOX Facebook Album of Photos:

PSNH Storm Outage Estimated Time of Restoration:

PSNH Press Release on Outage Update:

PSNH Outage Map:

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Assistant Section Emergency Coordinator
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875 (After 6 PM)
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503 (After 6 PM)
Work Phone #: 508-346-2929 (8 AM-5 PM)
Email Address:
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Special Announcement: SKYWARN Recognition Day (SRD) 2014 Friday Evening 12/5/14 at 7 PM Through Saturday 12/6/14 at 7 PM

Hello to all..

**Schedule of NWS Forecast Offices on the *WX-TALK* Echolink Conference node: 7203/IRLP 9219 Reflector system and the ARRL Web Story on SRD.**
**It is noted that there will be a light wintry mix late Friday Afternoon through Saturday Morning. This will be covered as a part of SRD Operations. A Storm Coordination Message will likely be issued Friday Morning 12/5/14. Remainder is unchanged.**

The following is a special announcement on SKYWARN Recognition Day 2014. This announcement will be updated either Thursday Evening 12/4/14 or Friday Morning 12/5/14. This announcement also appears on the WX1BOX home page via the following link:

Announcement text is listed below:

The National Weather Service in Taunton Amateur Radio Station, WX1BOX, will once again be active for SKYWARN Recognition Day 2014. In addition, for the eighth straight year, the National Weather Service Gray, Maine Office will also be active under call-sign, WX1GYX. The Boston Amateur Radio Club will also be active as they have been over the past several years at the NWS Blue Hill Observatory under a new call-sign WX1BHO from 9 AM-3 PM Saturday December 6th, 2014.

This will be the 16th year of SKYWARN Recognition Day and its anticipated that over 100 NWS Forecast Offices will be participating once again this year. A Web link to information on SKYWARN Recognition Day can be seen at the following link:

Information is also available on this event in the November 2014 issue of QST on Page 85 of this magazine.

WX1BOX will be monitoring the *NEW-ENG* conference node 9123/IRLP 9123 system throughout the SRD event from 7 PM-12 AM Friday Evening 12/5/14 and from 7 AM-7 PM Saturday 12/6/14. Our HF station will be active on the various HF bands during the same time period. What bands/modes we operate on will be dependent on propagation and operator availability. We will attempt to announce the different HF frequencies will be on via our Facebook and Twitter feeds as well as on the DX Spotter/cluster system for people that wish to contact us on HF.

The following is a schedule of repeaters that will be utilized along with simplex being utilized during certain timeframes on Friday Evening 7 PM-12 AM and Saturday 7 AM-7 PM at WX1BOX. We hope Amateurs will utilize this schedule and try and work WX1BOX during these various timeframes. If you don’t hear NWS, feel free to call for WX1BOX and if the office is monitoring, a response will be given. When you make contact, give your current sky condition and temperature as required. Below is the tentative schedule of operations:

Friday December 5th, 2014:
7:00-7:30 PM:    146.970-Paxton Repeater (PL: 114.8 Hz)
7:30-8:00 PM:    147.180-Bridgewater Repeater (PL: 67.0 Hz)
8:00-8:30 PM:    147.000-Dartmouth Repeater (PL: 67.0 Hz)
8:30-9:00 PM:    146.955-Westford Repeater (PL: 74.4 Hz)
9:00-9:30 PM:    146.79-Vernon, CT Repeater (PL: 82.5 Hz) (linked via IRLP.)
9:30-10:00 PM:   147.225-Killingly, CT Repeater (PL: 156.7 Hz)
10:00-10:30 PM:  146.760-Scituate, RI Repeater PL: 67.0 Hz
10:30-11:00 PM:  145.470-Danvers, MA Repeater (PL: 136.5 Hz)
11:00-11:30 PM:  146.955-Barnstable, MA Repeater PL: 88.5 or 147.375-Falmouth Repeater PL: 110.9
11:30 PM-12:00 AM: 146.640-Waltham Repeater

**Will Attempt to monitor both the New England Network and the *WX-TALK*/IRLP Reflector 9219 systems during this entire timeframe.
**It is possible we may switch off to different repeaters or simplex during time slots if we run out of contacts.

Saturday December 6th, 2014:
7:00-8:30 AM:   146.595 Simplex
8:30-9:00 AM:   Litchfield County Linked System via KB1AEV repeater system
9:00-9:30 AM:   145.230-Boston Repeater (PL: 88.5 Hz)
9:30-10:00 AM:  146.640-Waltham Repeater
10:00-11:00 AM: NWS Taunton will participate in the Eastern Massachusetts Hospital Net
11:00-11:30 AM: 146.895-Walpole Repeater (PL: 123.0 Hz)
11:30-12:00 PM: 147.225-Killingly, CT Repeater (PL: 156.7 Hz)
12:00-12:30 PM: 145.470-Danvers Repeater (PL: 136.5 Hz)
12:30-100 PM:   146.790-Vernon, CT Repeater (Linked via IRLP.)
1:00-1:30 PM:   146.595 Simplex
1:30-2:00 PM:   145.37-Gardner/145.45-Fitchburg/147.39 Repeaters via IRLP 9122
2:00-2:30 PM:   146.685-Plymouth Repeater (PL: 82.5 Hz)
2:30-3:00 PM:   145.130-Gloucester Repeater (PL: 107.2 Hz)
3:00-3:30 PM:   146.955-Barnstable (PL: 88.5) or 147.375-Falmouth Repeater (PL: 110.9)
3:30-4:00 PM:   146.955-Westford Repeater (PL: 74.4)
4:00-4:30 PM:   146.970-Paxton Repeater (PL: 114.8)
4:30-5:00 PM:   145.370-Coventry, RI Repeater (PL: 67.0)
5:00-5:30 PM:   146.760-Scituate, RI Repeater (PL: 67.0)
5:30-6:00 PM:   147.000-Dartmouth Repeater (PL: 67.0)
6:00-6:30 PM:   147.180-Bridgewater Repeater (PL: 67.0)
6:30-7:00 PM:   449.375-Pack Monadnock, NH Repeater (PL: 88.5 Hz)

**Will Attempt to monitor both the New England Network and the *WX-TALK*/IRLP Reflector 9219 systems during this entire timeframe.
**It is possible we may switch off to different repeaters or simplex during time slots if we run out of contacts.

We will also be utilizing 6-Meters FM for the second time during SRD since we now have that functionality in working order at NWS Taunton. The setup is a Vertical Antenna through an Icom IC-706 Radio. The following repeaters and simplex will be utilized during SRD on 6-Meters. This schedule may change as we get closer to the SRD event and 6-Meter use during SRD may expand depending on operator availability etc.

Saturday December 6th, 2014:
1230-1245 PM: 53.31-Mt Wachusett, MA
1245-100 PM:  53.07-Hopkinton MA
100-115 PM:   51.74-Hopkinton, MA
115-130 PM:   53.01-Barnstable, MA
115-130 PM:   53.17-Portsmouth, RI (KA1RCI)
130-145 PM:   53.27-Framingham, MA
145-200 PM:   53.81-Marlborough, MA
200-215 PM:   53.830-Fitchburg, MA
215-230 PM:   52.525-Simplex

The following is information EchoLink/IRLP operations during SKYWARN Recognition Day on the *WX_TALK* Echolink Conference node: 7203/IRLP 9219 system. Further updates to follow as we get closer to the event. See the list of NWS offices below:

Time in UTC NWS Office Call-Sign
0000-0100: WX0GLD (Confirmed time slot for this year)
0100-0200: WX1GYX (Confirmed time slot for this year)
0200-0300: WX4MLB (Confirmed time slot for this year)
0300-0400: WX5EWX (Confirmed time slot for this year)
0400-0500: WX1BOX (Confirmed time slot for this year)
0500-0600: WX9GRB (Confirmed time slot for this year)
0600-0700: WX4HUN (Confirmed time slot for this year)
0700-0800: KL7FWX  (Confirmed Time slot for this year)
0800-0900: KL7FWX (Confirmed Time slot for this year)
0900-1000: KH6SW (Confirmed time slot for this year)
1000-1100: Open
1100-1200: Open
1200-1300: W7NWS  (Confirmed Time Slot for this year)
1300-1400: WX5EWX (Confirmed Time Slot for this year)
1400-1500: W7W (Confirmed Time Slot for This Year)
1500-1530: WX1BOX (Confirmed Time Slot for This Year)
1530-1600: N0F    (Confirmed time slot for this year)
1600-1700: WX4NC  (Confirmed Time slot for this year)
1700-1800: N0NWS  (Confirmed Time Slot for This Year)
1800-1900: WX6MTR (Confirmed Time slot for this year)
1900-2000: K0MPX  (Confirmed Time Slot for This Year)
2000-2100: WX4MLB (Confirmed Time Slot for This Year)
2100-2300: WX4NHC (Confirmed Time Slot for This Year)
2300-2400: WX6NWS (Confirmed Time Slot for This Year)

There will be other conference systems utilized for SKYWARN Recognition Day. They are as follows:

The New England Reflector Gateway System will be utilized by the NWS Taunton, Mass. and NWS Gray, Maine offices from 0000-0500 UTC and 1200-2400 UTC. The New England Gateway system is on EchoLink Conference server *NEW-ENG* Node: 9123, IRLP reflector 9123. If other NWS offices would like to join the system, they are welcome to do so and participants in SKYWARN Recognition Day can also use that system to make contact with various NWS offices. This is a great place to move off the *WX_TALK* Node: 7203/IRLP 9219 system after your scheduled time if other Amateurs or NWS offices whish to make contact with you.

Also, the Western Reflector will be having NWS offices calling CQ as in past years and have multiple reflector channels and Echolink conferences available. There is reflector 9250/Echolink Conference *HI-GATE* node: 357564, IRLP 9251 and the *WORLD* Echolink Conference node: 479886, IRLP 9257/*DCF-ARC* Echolink Conference node: 336037 and IRLP 9258/EchoLink Conference *NV-GATE* Node: 152566 open for NWS offices. Please contact Kent-W7AOR for additional information on the Western Reflector.

A few technical reminders for folks interested in making contacts with the NWS Forecast Offices on the *WX-TALK* Node: 7203/IRLP 9219 and New England Reflector Gateway IRLP 9123/*NEW-ENG* Echolink Node: 9123 systems:

-The system allows both EchoLink and IRLP connections. For EchoLink users, you connect to the *WX-TALK* Node: 7203 conference system. For IRLP users, you would connect to IRLP reflector 9219.

-If you are using EchoLink, the RF node or PC that you’re using must have EchoLink conferencing disabled. If it is not disabled, the system will automatically kick the node or PC off of the system. The reason this occurs is to prevent unintentional interference from a conferencing station that may not know the node is connected somewhere else. This will keep traffic moving on the net and reduce interference considerably.

For more information on VoIP Technical Configuration Tips, please go to our web site at where we have a link to that information on the main menu of the web site. This announcement will also be on the web site.

We are looking forward to another fun SKYWARN Recognition Day on the *WX-TALK* Node: 7203/IRLP reflector 9219 system, New England Reflector Gateway system and Western Reflector system. Thanks to all for their support!

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Assistant Section Emergency Coordinator
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875 (After 6 PM)
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503 (After 6 PM)
Work Phone #: 508-346-2929 (8 AM-5 PM)
Email Address:
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Storm Coordination Message #1 – Friday 11/28/14 Light Snowfall Event

Hello to all..

..Light Snowfall Impacting Eastern New England This Morning into Early Afternoon..
..A Winter Weather Advisory is in effect until Noon for Essex, Suffolk, Eastern Norfolk, Western and Eastern Plymouth Counties for 1-4″ of snow. A Winter Weather Advisory is in effect through 3 PM for Barnstable County Massachusetts for 1-2″ of snow..
..SKYWARN Self-Activation will monitor for snowfall reports through the day today. This will be the only coordination message on today’s snowfall unless a significant upgrade to the situation occurs. Below is the NWS Taunton Winter Weather Advisory Statement and Hazardous Weather Outlook..

NWS Taunton Winter Weather Advisory Statement:

NWS Taunton Hazardous Weather Outlook:

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Assistant Section Emergency Coordinator
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875 (After 6 PM)
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503 (After 6 PM)
Work Phone #: 508-346-2929 (8 AM-5 PM)
Email Address:
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Post Storm Coordination Message #1 – Wednesday 11/26/14-Thursday Morning 11/27/14 Major Winter Storm for New Hampshire and Northern and Western Massachusetts

Hello to all..

..Happy Thanksgiving to all SKYWARN Spotters and Amateur Radio Operators..
..Major Winter Storm blankets Southern New Hampshire and Western Massachusetts with 5-10″ of snow with higher amounts up to 13″. In New Hampshire, widespread tree and power line damage has occurred in Central and Southern parts of the state with over 200,000 people without power. In Northern and far western Massachusetts in the higher elevation and hill towns scattered tree and power line damage and scattered power outages have occurred with about 17000 without power per WEMCO and approximately 18000 without power per National Grid mostly in the Northern Massachusetts area..
..Lower elevation locations in interior Western, Central and Northeast Massachusetts and Northern Connecticut had 1-3″ of snow with isolated higher amounts in some locations that are up at 400-600 foot levels..
..Southeast New England sustained wind gusts of greater than 45 MPH and isolated pockets of tree and wire damage along with 1.5-2.5″ of rain from this storm system..
..Post storm damage pictures during Thanksgiving morning if it is safe to do so and without getting in the way of public safety or utility companies over Southern New Hampshire and Northern and Western Massachusetts will be helpful to understand the extent of damage for state, federal emergency management officials, the National Weather Service offices of Taunton MA and Gray Maine. Credit will be given to the spotter for providing the pictures..
..Another post storm coordination message will follow by Friday Morning. Below is the NWS Taunton Local Storm Report and Public Information Statement giving an overview of storm related damage and snow, rain, wind reports over the area as well as the WX1BOX last storm log issued at 1155 PM Wednesday 11/26/14..

NWS Taunton Local Storm Report:

NWS Taunton Public Information Statement – Snow/Rain/Wind Measurement Reports:

WX1BOX Amateur Radio Storm Reports Log:

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Assistant Section Emergency Coordinator
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875 (After 6 PM)
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503 (After 6 PM)
Work Phone #: 508-346-2929 (8 AM-5 PM)
Email Address:
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Storm Coordination Message #5 – Wednesday 11/26/14-Thanksgiving Morning 11/27/14 Coastal Storm

Hello to all..

..Coastal Storm will affect the region Wednesday into Thanksgiving Morning with strong to damaging winds along the coast line and the potential for heavy snowfall in the interior and heavy rainfall possibly changing to snow before ending across the coastal plain north and west of the Cape Cod Canal..
..A Winter Storm Warning remains in effect Through 7 AM Thursday Morning for Southern New Hampshire and Franklin, Hampshire, Hampden, Northern Worcester and Northern Middlesex Counties of Massachusetts for 8-12″ of snow with isolated higher amounts possible..
..A Winter Storm Warning is now in effect through 7 AM Thursday Morning for Northern Connecticut, Central Middlesex, Western Essex and Southern Worcester Counties of Massachusetts for 4-8″ of snow with isolated higher amounts possible and a trace of ice..
..A Winter Weather Advisory is now in effect from 7 AM Wednesday Morning through 7 AM Thursday Morning for Eastern Essex, Norfolk, Southeast Middlesex, and Suffolk Counties of Massachusetts and Providence and Kent Counties of Rhode Island for 1-3″ of slushy snow accumulation. This is the area with the lowest confidence in terms of snowfall amounts but current trends with a closer storm track has reduced snowfall amounts in this area..
..A Wind Advisory is now in effect for Eastern Plymouth County Massachusetts and Cape Cod and the Islands from 2 PM Wednesday Afternoon through 3 AM Thursday Morning for sustained winds 25-35 MPH with gusts to 50 MPH likely to possibly 55 MPH. A Wind Advisory is now in effect from 2 PM Wednesday Afternoon through 3 AM Wednesday Morning for South Coastal Massachusetts and Rhode Island including Bristol County Rhode Island for sustained winds of 25-35 MPH with gusts to 50 MPH likely. Areas north and west of the Wind Advisory area in Southeast New England will likely see wind gusts to 40 MPH. These winds have the potential to cause isolated pockets of tree and wire damage and power outages..
..Locations in the Winter Storm Warning area and possibly the Winter Weather Advisory area will be monitored closely not only for the potential of significant travel impacts (worst in the mid-afternoon/evening) but also for the potential of isolated tree and wire damage due to the snow likely being of a heavy and wet consistency. Areas outside of the Winter Storm Warning/Winter Weather Advisory issuance north and west of the Cape Cod Canal may see heavy rainfall change to a period of snow or mixed precipitation before the storm ends Thursday Morning with little to no accumulation..
..Coastal flooding is currently not expected due to lower astronomical tides and the short duration of the strong winds at the coast. Heavy rainfall in Southeast New England may lead to urban and poor drainage flooding in the typical locations..
..SKYWARN Activation with Ops at NWS Taunton will commence around 9 AM Wednesday lasting through late Wednesday Night for this coastal storm as the onset of precipitation is earlier than previously expected..
..Storm related pictures/video of snowfall and damage can be sent to our Facebook and Twitter feeds, as a reply to this message or to the email address with credit given to the spotter and the pictures and video shared with the media and emergency management unless otherwise indicated..

A coastal storm will affect one of the busiest travel days of the year with heavy snowfall in the interior and heavy rainfall changing to snow over portions of Eastern New England north and west of the Cape Cod Canal. The headlines of the coordination message depict the current threats and have been tweaked slightly for a slightly warmer solution and a closer to Nantucket Island storm track as there has been a trend towards this solution in the last few model runs. This has meant slightly lesser amounts of snow in southern and eastern areas of the Winter Storm Warning area but higher snowfall amounts in the western parts of the Winter Storm Warning area and much lower snow amounts in the Winter Weather Advisory area. No changes to the winter headlines given the current track. In addition to potential for significant travel impacts in the Winter Storm Watch/Warning areas, the potential for isolated tree and wire damage due to the snow being heavy and wet will also need to be monitored.

A Wind Advisory continues for Eastern Plymouth County and Cape Cod and the Islands from 2 PM Wednesday Afternoon through 3 AM Thursday Morning. This is a higher end wind advisory with wind gusts to 50 or possibly even 55 MPH possible and there is a chance of even higher wind gusts. The Wind Advisory is expanded to include South Coastal Massachusetts and Rhode Island including Bristol County RI for the same timeframe. Areas in Southeast New England just outside the Wind Advisory area could see wind gusts around 40 MPH later this afternoon and tonight. These winds may cause isolated pockets of tree and wire damage and power outages in the coastal plain.  Coastal flooding is currently not expected due to lower astronomical tides and the short duration of the strong winds at the coast. Heavy rainfall in Southeast New England may lead to urban and poor drainage flooding in the typical locations.

Precipitation is now moving into the region. Small deviations in track, speed, intensity of the system and the amount of cold air that is drawn into the system can still cause deviations to the current thinking and forecast particularly in the Boston to Providence corridor and eastern areas of the Winter Storm Warnings currently in place but the forecast based on current trends seems on track at this time.

Precipitation type and changeover information and where frozen precipitation is accumulating (paved surfaces and grassy surfaces or just grassy surfaces) will be very critical to this storm in addition to snow accumulation information. Also, if your elevation is known, that will also be helpful to draw any delineation that may be based on elevation.

SKYWARN Activation with Ops at NWS Taunton will commence around 9 AM Wednesday Morning lasting through late Wednesday Evening. This will be the last coordination message issued on this coastal storm. Storm related pictures/video of snowfall and damage can be sent to our Facebook and Twitter feeds, as a reply to this message or to the email address with credit given to the spotter and the pictures and video shared with the media and emergency management unless otherwise indicated. Below is the NWS Taunton Winter Storm Warning/Winter Weather Advisory Statement, Wind Advisory Statement, Hazardous Weather Outlook and NWS Taunton Facebook Posting of a graphical briefing including graphical snowfall amounts:

NWS Taunton Winter Storm Warning/Winter Weather Advisory Statement:

NWS Taunton Wind Advisory Statement:

NWS Taunton Hazardous Weather Outlook:

NWS Taunton Storm Briefing Via Facebook:

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Assistant Section Emergency Coordinator
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875 (After 6 PM)
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503 (After 6 PM)
Work Phone #: 508-346-2929 (8 AM-5 PM)
Email Address:
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Storm Coordination Message #4 – Wednesday Morning 11/26/14-Thanksgiving Morning 11/27/14 Coastal Storm Potential

Hello to all..

..Coastal Storm will affect the region Wednesday into Thanksgiving Morning with strong to damaging winds along the coast line and the potential for heavy snowfall in the interior and heavy rainfall possibly changing to snow before ending across the coastal plain north and west of the Cape Cod Canal..
..A Winter Storm Warning remains in effect from 7 AM Wednesday Morning Through 7 AM Thursday Morning for Hartford and Tolland Counties of Connecticut and Franklin, Hampshire, Hampden, Northern Worcester Counties of Massachusetts and all of Southern New Hampshire for 6-10″ of snow with isolated higher amounts possible..
..A Winter Storm Warning is now in effect from 7 AM Wednesday Morning through 7 AM Thursday Morning for Windham County Connecticut, Central Middlesex, Western Essex and Southern Worcester Counties of Massachusetts for 6-8″ of snow with isolated higher amounts possible and a trace of ice..
..A Winter Weather Advisory is now in effect from 7 AM Wednesday Morning through 7 AM Thursday Morning for Eastern Essex, Norfolk, Southeast Middlesex, and Suffolk Counties of Massachusetts and Providence and Kent Counties of Rhode Island for 3-6″ of snow along with a trace of ice. This is the area with the lowest confidence in terms of snowfall amounts..
..A Wind Advisory is now in effect for Eastern Plymouth County Massachusetts and Cape Cod and the Islands from 2 PM Wednesday Afternoon through 3 AM Thursday Morning for sustained winds 25-35 MPH with gusts to 50 to possibly 55 MPH possible. Areas north and west of the Wind Advisory area in Southeast New England will likely see wind gusts to 40 MPH. These winds have the potential to cause isolated pockets of tree and wire damage and power outages..
..Locations in the Winter Storm Warning area and possibly the Winter Weather Advisory area will be monitored closely not only for the potential of significant travel impacts (worst in the mid-afternoon/evening) but also for the potential of isolated tree and wire damage due to the snow likely being of a heavy and wet consistency. Areas outside of the Winter Storm Warning/Winter Weather Advisory issuance north and west of the Cape Cod Canal may see heavy rainfall change to a period of snow or mixed precipitation before the storm ends Thursday Morning.
..Coastal flooding is currently not expected due to lower astronomical tides and the short duration of the strong winds at the coast. Heavy rainfall in Southeast New England may lead to urban and poor drainage flooding in the typical locations..
..SKYWARN Activation with Ops at NWS Taunton will commence at 9 AM Wednesday lasting through late Wednesday Night for this coastal storm as the onset of precipitation is earlier than previously expected..
..Storm related pictures/video of snowfall and damage can be sent to our Facebook and Twitter feeds, as a reply to this message or to the email address with credit given to the spotter and the pictures and video shared with the media and emergency management unless otherwise indicated..

A coastal storm will affect one of the busiest travel days of the year with heavy snowfall in the interior and heavy rainfall changing to snow over portions of Eastern New England north and west of the Cape Cod Canal. The headlines of the coordination message depict the current threats. Computer model runs have been in good agreement but its noted that 18z American model runs have trended a bit warmer and trended a bit further west with the storm center from near or outside the 40 North/70 West benchmark to near Nantucket or inside the 40 North/70 West benchmark which may affect precipitation type and accumulation amounts in the transitional zone area in the Boston-Providence corridor and Route 128 corridor and may bring some mixed precipitation to the eastern areas of the Winter Storm Warning area. This is only one model run and may not constitute a trend but this will be monitored closely. A Wind Advisory has replaced the High Wind Watch for Eastern Plymouth County and Cape Cod and the Islands from 2 PM Wednesday Afternoon through 3 AM Thursday Morning. This is a higher end wind advisory with wind gusts to 50 or possibly even 55 MPH possible and there is a chance of even higher wind gusts. These winds may cause isolated pockets of tree and wire damage and power outages in the coastal plain. In addition to potential for significant travel impacts in the Winter Storm Watch/Warning areas, the potential for isolated tree and wire damage due to the snow being heavy and wet will also need to be monitored. Coastal flooding is currently not expected due to lower astronomical tides and the short duration of the strong winds at the coast. Heavy rainfall in Southeast New England may lead to urban and poor drainage flooding in the typical locations.

While the storm is now under 24 hours away from impacts, small deviations in track, speed, intensity of the system and the amount of cold air that is drawn into the system can still cause deviations to the current thinking and forecast particularly in the Boston to Providence corridor and eastern areas of the Winter Storm Warnings currently in place. Future model runs could cause changes in the forecast if the American models depiction at 18z becomes more of a trend or the current forecast could be supported if it is just one model run that shows a slightly closer track and more warm air wrapped into the system. Future model runs may continue to affect the current slate of warnings and advisories in place and expected snowfall amounts over Southern New England.

Precipitation type and changeover information and where frozen precipitation is accumulating (paved surfaces and grassy surfaces or just grassy surfaces) will be very critical to this storm in addition to snow accumulation information. Also, if your elevation is known, that will also be helpful to draw any delineation that may be based on elevation.

SKYWARN Activation with Ops at NWS Taunton will commence by 9 AM Wednesday Morning lasting through late Wednesday Evening. The next coordination message will be issued if time allows by 830 AM Wednesday Morning. Storm related pictures/video of snowfall and damage can be sent to our Facebook and Twitter feeds, as a reply to this message or to the email address with credit given to the spotter and the pictures and video shared with the media and emergency management unless otherwise indicated. Below is the NWS Taunton Winter Storm Warning/Winter Weather Advisory Statement, Wind Advisory Statement, Hazardous Weather Outlook and NWS Taunton Facebook Posting of a graphical briefing including graphical snowfall amounts:

NWS Taunton Winter Storm Warning/Winter Weather Advisory Statement:

NWS Taunton Wind Advisory Statement:

NWS Taunton Hazardous Weather Outlook:

NWS Taunton Storm Briefing Via Facebook:

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Assistant Section Emergency Coordinator
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875 (After 6 PM)
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503 (After 6 PM)
Work Phone #: 508-346-2929 (8 AM-5 PM)
Email Address:
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Storm Coordination Message #3 – Wednesday Morning 11/26/14-Thursday Morning 11/27/14 Coastal Storm Potential

Hello to all..

..Coastal Storm will affect the region Wednesday into Thanksgiving Morning with strong to damaging winds along the coast line and the potential for heavy snowfall in the interior and heavy rainfall possibly changing to snow before ending across the coastal plain north and west of the Cape Cod Canal..
..A Winter Storm Warning is now in effect from 7 AM Wednesday Morning Through 10 AM Thursday Morning for Hartford County Connecticut and Franklin, Hampshire, Hampden, Northern Worcester Counties of Massachusetts and Cheshire County New Hampshire for 6-10″ of snow with isolated higher amounts possible..
..A Winter Storm Watch remains in effect from Wednesday Morning into Thursday Morning for Tolland and Windham Counties of Connecticut, Central and Northern Middlesex Counties, Western Essex, Southern Worcester Counties of Massachusetts, Hillsborough County of New Hampshire and Northwest Providence County Rhode Island for 6-10″ of snow with isolated higher amounts possible in northern and western parts of the watch area..
..A Winter Storm Watch is in effect from Wednesday Morning into Thursday Morning for Eastern Essex, Norfolk, Suffolk, and Southeast Middlesex Counties of Massachusetts and Western Kent County of Rhode Island for 4-6″ of snow. This area will be near the transition zone between snow and rain and is low confidence on snowfall totals at the present time..
..A High Wind Watch is now in effect for Eastern Plymouth County Massachusetts and Cape Cod and the Islands from Wednesday Afternoon through late Wednesday Night for sustained winds 25-35 MPH with gusts to 60 MPH possible. Coastal areas north and west of the High Wind Watch area will likely be put under wind advisories in future forecasts. These winds have the potential to cause isolated pockets of tree and wire damage and power outages..
..Locations in the Winter Storm Watch area will be monitored closely not only for the potential of significant travel impacts (worst in the mid-afternoon/evening) but also for the potential of isolated tree and wire damage due to the snow likely being of a heavy and wet consistency. Areas outside of the Winter Storm Watch issuance north and west of the Cape Cod Canal may see heavy rainfall change to a period of snow before the storm ends Thursday Morning.
..Coastal flooding is currently not expected due to lower astronomical tides and the short duration of the strong winds at the coast. Heavy rainfall in Southeast New England may lead to urban and poor drainage flooding in the typical locations..
..SKYWARN Activation with Ops at NWS Taunton likely Wednesday Morning into Thursday Morning. Rough start time for activation is around 10-11 AM Wednesday..

A coastal storm will affect one of the busiest travel days of the year with heavy snowfall in the interior and heavy rainfall changing to snow over portions of Eastern New England north and west of the Cape Cod Canal. The headlines of the coordination message depict the current threats. Computer model runs have shifted slightly to the east which has allowed for a colder solution and the potential for more snow over eastern areas of the region which has meant an extension of Winter Storm Watches further east to near Boston and just to the northwest of Providence. The trend in the models will continue to be monitored as this will depict where the rain/snow line will be. Over Western Massachusetts, Southwest New Hampshire, and Northwest Connecticut, confidence is now high enough to convert Winter Storm Watches to Winter Storm Warnings for that region. The other notable change since the last update is that High Wind Watches have been posted from Wednesday Afternoon to late Wednesday Night for Eastern Plymouth County Massachusetts and Cape Cod and the islands as stronger winds are now expected as models depict stronger winds mixing down to the surface. Wind Advisories will likely be needed for coastal and possibly southeast interior areas north and west of the High Wind Watch area. These winds may cause isolated pockets of tree and wire damage and power outages in the coastal plain. In addition to potential for significant travel impacts in the Winter Storm Watch/Warning areas, the potential for isolated tree and wire damage due to the snow being heavy and wet will also need to be monitored. Coastal flooding is currently not expected due to lower astronomical tides and the short duration of the strong winds at the coast. Heavy rainfall in Southeast New England may lead to urban and poor drainage flooding in the typical locations.

The coastal storm is still about 1-1.5 days away and there is still a level of track differences between the different models but the track difference is closing. The last model runs continue to have consolidated on a bit colder solution and one that would allow for significant snow occurring a bit further east possibly to near Boston and just northwest of the Providence area. Also, stronger winds are now expected in coastal areas and possibly some southeast interior locations. Further changes in the storm track could affect where the rain/snow line sets up, where the strongest winds occur and where the heaviest precipitation will occur. Future model runs will continue to better pin down snowfall amounts for the region and where the rain-snow line sets up and whether it collapses even further east through portions of Eastern New England. These future model runs may affect where additional watches, warnings and advisories are issued and expected snowfall amounts over Southern New England.

SKYWARN Activation with Ops at NWS Taunton likely Wednesday Morning into Thursday Morning. Rough start time for activation is around 10-11 AM Wednesday. The next coordination message will be issued by 1000 PM Tuesday Evening. Below is the NWS Taunton Winter Storm Warning/Watch Statement, High Wind Watch Statement and Hazardous Weather Outlook:

NWS Taunton Winter Storm Warning/Watch Statement:

NWS Taunton High Wind Watch Statement:

NWS Taunton Hazardous Weather Outlook:

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Assistant Section Emergency Coordinator
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875 (After 6 PM)
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503 (After 6 PM)
Work Phone #: 508-346-2929 (8 AM-5 PM)
Email Address:
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Storm Coordination Message #2 – Wednesday Morning 11/26/14-Thursday Morning 11/27/14 Storm Potential

Hello to all..

..Coastal Storm will affect the region Wednesday into Thanksgiving Morning with strong winds along the coast line and the potential for heavy snowfall in the interior and heavy rainfall possibly changing to snow before ending across the coastal plain north and west of the Cape Cod Canal..
..A Winter Storm Watch remains in effect from Wednesday Morning into Thursday Morning for Northern Connecticut and Franklin, Hampshire, Hampden, Worcester and Northern Middlesex Counties of Massachusetts for 6-10″ of snow with isolated higher amounts possible..
..A Winter Storm Watch is now in effect from Wednesday Morning into Thursday Morning for Northwest Providence County Rhode Island, Southern New Hampshire, and Central Middlesex and Western Essex Counties of Massachusetts for 6-10″ of snow with isolated higher amounts possible. Advisory level snowfall is possible across portions of Eastern New England away from coastal locations..
..Locations in the Winter Storm Watch area will be monitored closely not only for the potential of significant travel impacts (worst in the late afternoon/evening) but also for the potential of isolated tree and wire damage due to the snow likely being of a heavy and wet consistency..
..Across Southeast New England strong wind gusts of 40-50 MPH and heavy rainfall with rainfall changing to a period of snow before ending north and west of the Cape Cod Canal..
..SKYWARN Activation with Ops at NWS Taunton likely Wednesday Morning into Thursday Morning. Rough start time for activation is around 11 AM Wednesday..

A coastal storm will affect one of the busiest travel days of the year with heavy snowfall in the interior and heavy rainfall changing to snow over portions of Eastern New England north and west of the Cape Cod Canal. A Winter Storm Watch remains in effect from Wednesday Morning through Thursday Morning for Northern Connecticut and Western and Central Massachusetts for 6-10″ of snow with locally higher amounts possible. The models are consolidating on a track near the 40 North/70 West benchmark which will allow for colder air to seep further south and east and has resulted in an expansion of the Winter Storm Watch into Northwest Providence County Rhode Island, Central Middlesex and Western Essex Counties of Massachusetts and the watch now also includes Southern New Hampshire. In addition to potential for significant travel impacts, the potential for isolated tree and wire damage due to the snow being heavy and wet will also need to be monitored. The potential exists for advisory level snows to the south and east of the Winter Storm Watch area away from the immediate coast. Strong winds remain likely along coastal areas of Eastern New England with heavy rainfall changing to a period of snow before ending north and west of the Cape Cod Canal. Wind gusts in the 40-50 MPH range are possible in the coastal plain.

The coastal storm is still about 1.5-2 days away and there is still a level of track differences between the different models but the track difference is closing. The last model runs have consolidated on a bit colder solution and one that would allow for significant snow occurring a bit further east into parts of interior Northeast Mass, Northwest Rhode Island and also further north into Southern New Hampshire. Further changes in the storm track could affect where the rain/snow line sets up, where the strongest winds occur and where the heaviest precipitation will occur. Future model runs will continue to better pin down snowfall amounts for the region and where the rain-snow line sets up and whether it collapses east through portions of Eastern New England. These future model runs may affect where additional watches, warnings and advisories are issued and expected snowfall amounts over Southern New England.

SKYWARN Activation with Ops at NWS Taunton likely Wednesday Morning into Thursday Morning. Rough start time for activation is around 11 AM Wednesday. The next coordination message will be issued by 1000 AM Tuesday Morning. Below is the NWS Taunton Winter Storm Watch Statement and Hazardous Weather Outlook:

NWS Taunton Winter Storm Watch Statement:

NWS Taunton Hazardous Weather Outlook:

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Assistant Section Emergency Coordinator
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875 (After 6 PM)
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503 (After 6 PM)
Work Phone #: 508-346-2929 (8 AM-5 PM)
Email Address:
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