Special Announcement: 2024 Northeast HamXposition – SKYWARN Training & Other SKYWARN/Weather Related Topics at HamXpo’2024

Hello to all…

The 2024 Northeast HamXposition and ARRL New England Division Convention will be held from Thursday Evening 8/22/24-Sunday 8/25/24. There will be many interesting forums at this year’s convention. For complete information on this Amateur Radio Convention, please see the following link:

We will have a SKYWARN/ARES/RACES table at the Convention as we have had going back to the late 1990s. In addition, there will be several SKYWARN and weather related topics including SKYWARN Training which will be taught by NWS Boston/Norton by recently named Warning Coordination Meteorologist, Frank Nocera and KD1CY-Rob Macedo, Eastern Mass ARES SEC & SKYWARN Coordinator and a perspective on 30 years of NWS-ARRL ARES partnership with Taunton/Norton Office by retired Warning Coordination Meteorologist, KB1GHX-Glenn Field.

The Convention is also honored and privileged that Matt and Danielle Noyes from their new digital weather venture, 1Degree Outside. They will be presenting about their new venture and the vital role Amateur Radio & non-Amateur Radio SKYWARN Spotters play with surface reporting during severe weather events and immediately following their presentation will be an Advanced Topics in SKYWARN Presentation combining Doppler Radar Fundamentals and understanding with how to gather critical surface and damage reporting via various techniques utilized within the SKYWARN and Amateur Radio communities during severe weather.

A list of the key SKYWARN and weather related presentations for Northeast HamXposition are listed below:

Friday 8/23/24:
100 PM: NWS SKYWARN and ARRL ARES: 30 Years of Support and Partnership in New England by KB1GHX-Glenn Field, retired NWS Boston/Norton WCM
300 PM: SKYWARN Spotter training by NWS Norton Warning Coordination Meteorologist Frank Nocera and KD1CY-Rob Macedo

Saturday 8/24/24:
100 PM: 1DegreeOutside: A Digital-First Weather Approach and the Vital Role of SKYWARN Spotters by Matt & Danielle Noyes
200 PM: Advanced Topics in SKYWARN – Doppler Radar Fundamentals & How You Can Help with Severe Weather Reporting Situational Awareness by KD1CY-Rob Macedo

There are many other topics related to ARES and Emergency Communications at the convention including presentations from the FEMA Region 1 Disaster Communications department. The full schedule of presentations can be seen here:

The Convention also features a full Amateur Radio Flea Market and Amateur Radio vendors. For those that maybe interested in getting their Amateur Radio license, the convention has a “Tech in a Day” class on Saturday 8/24/24 and several Volunteer Examiner (VE) test sessions as listed on the schedule.

We hope many from the Amateur Radio community and even those outside of the Amateur Radio community can attend and see the SKYWARN/Weather related presentations and for those that might be interested in getting their Amateur Radio license, use the convention as an opportunity to get licensed by preparing ahead of time or take advantage of the Tech-In-A-Day licensing class offered. Thanks to all for their support!

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Section Emergency Coordinator
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875 (After 6 PM)
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503 (After 6 PM)
Email Address: rmacedo@rcn.com
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