Southern New England Weather Conference – Saturday October 24th, 2009

Hello to all..

The Southern New England Weather Conference will be held on Saturday October 24th, 2009. Early-bird registration, which is at the lowest registration prices, is now available. Details on the weather conference can be seen at the following link:

A link to a flyer for the weather conference is listed below:

Early-Bird Registration has opened and will remain open through September 14th with a registration fee of $65 dollars and for those who come to the dinner, an additional $30 dollars for the optional dinner in the evening. Regular registration between September 15th through October 17th is $75 dollars with an additional $30 dollars for the optional dinner in the evening, and late registration between October 18th-25th of $85 dolalrs with an additonal $30 dollars for the optional dinner in the evening. It is noted that students and teachers are given a $10 dollar discount and their affiliation should be listed on the registration.

While this conference does have a cost associated with it, it is high value for the money with speakers coming from other parts of the country to give talks at the conference. The registration fee does include breakfast, lungh and snacks. Of note, Julio Ripoll-WD4R, Assistant Amateur Radio Coordinator for the National Hurricane Center Amateur Radio station WX4NHC will be giving a presentation on the 29-year history of their operations at the Hurricane Center and the role they play in National Huricane Center operations and is coming up from Miami Florida. Additional presentations of topics include:

The July 24, 2008 New Hampshire Tornado (Mish Michaels)
Hurricanes Affecting Atlantic Canada (Peter Boyer, Canadian Hurricane Center)
How Weather Affects Aviation
An Analysis of Waterspout Development in Southern New England
(NWS Forecasters)
Ice Storm 2008 (NWS forecasters, National Grid, US Dept. of Agriculture, Amateur Radio SKYWARN Coordinator)

After the optional dinner, Reed Timmer from the Discovery Channel’s Storm Chaser program will be the after dinner speaker. He will discuss what he has seen and his experiences on the program.

This is one of the best Southern New England Weather Conference line-ups in the last couple of years. It is hoped that many can attend. This will be posted again via a SKYWARN Newsletter in the coming weeks.

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Section Emergency Coordinator
Pager #: (508) 354-3142
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875 (After 6 PM)
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503 (After 6 PM)
Work Phone #: 1-800-445-2588 Ext.: 72929 (8 AM-5 PM)
Email Address:

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SKYWARN Newsletter #260 Now Posted in the SKYWARN Newsletter Archive/Training Schedule Updated

Hello to all….

SKYWARN Newsletter #260 has been posted in the newsletter archive which can be seen off the Main Menu of the web site. Also, the SKYWARN Training Schedule has also been updated and that can be seen off the Main Menu of the web site as well.


Rob Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator for NWS Taunton Massachusetts

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Drupal Now Powered By Drupal

DrupalAfter more than two years of operation using the phpWebSite content management system (CMS), this site is now powered by Drupal, a powerful, database-driven open-source system in widespread use on the internet. Over the next few days, you might see minor changes to the home page and some added functionality.

Thanks in large part to the efforts of Phil McNamara, N1XTB, posts from previous years have been converted over onto this new site. You may find a few things missing and/or broken links over the next few days, but we’ll endeavor to fix all problems you bring to our attention.

You’ll note that any web story links from the old site will automatically map over to the new site; e.g., a story with a URL of will display in your browser as So if you’ve linked to any of our stories, there’s no need to make any edits on your own site.

Old accounts have been removed, but you’re welcome to re-apply for a user account and comment on stories, or submit material for new stories to the site.

73, K9HI

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