P3 Hurricane Hunter Aircraft Tour in Rhode Island Additional Pictures And Audio
Hello to all….
At the P3 Hurricane Hunter Aircraft Tour in Rhode Island, major PR was generated as the Director of the National Hurricane Center, Bill Proenza talked back to WX4NHC, the Amateur Radio station at the National Hurricane Center (NHC) in Miami, Florida.
Director Proenza jokingly stated that he wanted to make sure the staff there was treating Julio Ripoll-WD4R, Assistant WX4NHC Coordinator and John McHugh-K4AG, WX4NHC Coordinator, well as they prepared the Amateur Radio station for the backup communications and preparation of surface reporting in the event of landfalling hurricanes for the 2007 season. Proenza gave what was at that time, a preview of the Hurricane Outlook stating that it would most likely be an above normal season and that was verified in the May 22nd, 2007 outlook. Proenza also lauded the partnership that Amateur Radio and the National Hurricane Center have had as it enters its 27th year and John-K4AG stated they were prepared to support the NHC again in 2007.
Audio from EchoLink with Director Proenza:
Director Proenza Speaks Back to WX4NHC via EchoLink in MP3 Format
Director Proenza Speaks Back to WX4NHC via EchoLink in WMA Format
One of the NHC Hurricane Specialists, Michelle Mainelli, a Rhode Island native also spoke with the Coordinators at WX4NHC. Julio and John also put on a person from the staff at the National Hurricane Center.
Michelle spoke back to Chris Lauer, who maintains the computers and the web site for the National Hurricane Center. Chris shared with her stories of the fires in Florida while Michelle spoke of the cold temperatures and layers of clothes that she had to wear as conditions were cool in the morning and early afternoon before warming up later in the day. John-K4AG asked Michelle if she flew first class or coach, a joking reference towards the fact that Michelle flew in the P3 Hurricane Hunter aircraft. Audio from EchoLink:
Michelle Mainelli speaks back to WX4NHC in WMA Format
Michelle Mainelli speaks back to WX4NHC in MP3 Format
Bob Thompson, Meteorologist-In-Charge of NWS Taunton, also spoke back to WX4NHC. In addition, he also spoke with one of the key developers of EchoLink and IRLP technology, Tony Langdon-VK3JED.
Bob spoke to WX4NHC over how NWS Taunton sometimes deals with the National Hurricane Center when tropical systems approach Southern New England. He also explained how the NWS Taunton office relies on the SKYWARN Spotters/Coordinators and Amateur Radio Operators across the region for support when severe weather threatens. Julio-WD4R explained how the Amateurs of New England support the VoIP Hurricane Net in gathering reports from other parts of the US and the Caribbean. EchoLink Audio:
Bob Thompson, Meteorologist-In-Charge of NWS Taunton speaks back to WX4NHC in WMA Format
Bob Thompson, Meteorologist-In-Charge of NWS Taunton speaks back to WX4NHC in MP3 Format
Bob also spoke to VK3JED-Tony Langdon, one of the key EchoLink/IRLP developers. Tony, a spotter in Australia for the Australian Bureau of Meteorology. spoke about weather and was pleased to meet someone from the meteorological community. Bob came to the realization of the more global impact of disasters as well as the ability to exploit technology globally. EchoLink Audio from this contact listed below:
Bob Thompson, Meteorologist-In-Charge of NWS Taunton speaks with VK3JED-Tony Langdon in WMA Format
Bob Thompson, Meteorologist-In-Charge of NWS Taunton speaks with VK3JED-Tony Langdon in MP3 Format
Ed Capone-N1LTP, Service Hydrologist for the Northeast River Forecast Center also spoke to Julio-WD4R at WX4NHC briefly. Ed mentioned that he is on the Hurricane Deployment Team and that he might meet Julio down there if a hurricane threatens a US location. EchoLink Audio from this contact listed below:
Ed Capone-N1LTP Service Hydrologist speaks Back to WX4NHC in WMA Format
Ed Capone-N1LTP Service Hydrologist speaks Back to WX4NHC in MP3 Format
Special Thanks to The NWS Forecasters, Director Proenza, and Hurricane Specialist Michelle Mainelli for their support of our special event station. Special thanks also to Julio-WD4R and John-K4AG for their support from WX4NHC and special thanks to the ARES-SKYWARN Amateurs of Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut and New Hampshire, RI ARES, RI SKYWARN, RI SATERN and the Taunton Amateur Communicationg Group for all the support in this very large event for the NWS Taunton County Warning Area.
Respectfully Submitted,
Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Section Emergency Coordinator
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