Storm Coordination Message #2 – Friday 12/28/18 – Light Wintry Mix/Heavy Rainfall/Strong Wind Potential

Hello to all…

..A storm system is on track to bring a wintry mix of weather to portions of Southern New England with inland locations into Central and Northeast Massachusetts through Northern Connecticut and Northwest Rhode Island potentially impacted..
..A Winter Weather Advisory is now in effect from 3 to 10 AM Friday for Northern Connecticut, Northwest Providence County Rhode Island, Hampden, Hampshire, Franklin, Worcester, Northern and Central Middlesex Counties of Massachusetts for up to 1″ of snow accumulation and a glaze to less than one-tenth of an inch of ice causing slippery travel conditions..
..Rainfall in the area may cause some localized urban and poor drainage flooding Friday into Friday Evening. Wind gusts around 40 MPH are possible in East and South Coastal Massachusetts. At this time, rainfall and winds will be less than what they were with last Friday’s storm system..
..SKYWARN Self-Activation will monitor the wintry mix and eventual changeover to rain and any flooding, and wind damage reports. Another coordination message will be posted by 11 PM Thursday Evening. Below is the NWS Boston/Norton Winter Weather Advisory statement, Hazardous Weather Outlook, Enhanced Hazardous Weather Outlook and snow and ice maps..

NWS Winter Weather Advisory Statement:

NWS Boston/Norton Hazardous Weather Outlook:

NWS Boston/Norton Enhanced Hazardous Weather Outlook:

NWS Boston/Norton Snow and Ice Maps:

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Section Emergency Coordinator
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875 (After 6 PM)
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503 (After 6 PM)
Work Phone #: 508-346-2929 (8 AM-5 PM)
Email Address:
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Storm Coordination Message #1 – Friday 12/28/18 Wintry Mix/Heavy Rainfall/Strong Wind Potential

Hello to all…

..A storm system will bring a wintry mix to Northern and Western parts of Massachusetts along with a period of soaking to heavy rain and some strong winds at the coast..
..A Winter Weather Advisory is in effect from 1 to 10 AM Friday for Western Hampshire, Franklin, Northern Worcester, and Northern Middlesex Counties of Massachusetts for 1″ of snow accumulation and a glaze of ice causing slippery travel conditions..
..Rainfall in the area may cause some localized urban and poor drainage flooding Friday into Friday Evening. Wind gusts around 40 MPH are possible in East and South Coastal Massachusetts. At this time, rainfall and winds will be less than what they were with last Friday’s storm system..
..SKYWARN Self-Activation will monitor the wintry mix and eventual changeover to rain and any flooding, and wind damage reports. Another coordination message will be posted by 10 AM Thursday Morning. Below is the NWS Boston/Norton Winter Weather Advisory statement, Hazardous Weather Outlook, Enhanced Hazardous Weather Outlook and snow and ice maps..

NWS Winter Weather Advisory Statement:

NWS Boston/Norton Hazardous Weather Outlook:

NWS Boston/Norton Enhanced Hazardous Weather Outlook:

NWS Boston/Norton Snow and Ice Maps:

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Section Emergency Coordinator
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875 (After 6 PM)
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503 (After 6 PM)
Work Phone #: 508-346-2929 (8 AM-5 PM)
Email Address:
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Special Announcement: Merry Christmas/Happy New Year/Happy Holidays to All SKYWARN Spotters & Amateur Radio Operators!

Hello to all..

On behalf of the entire Amateur Radio Group at WX1BOX, the Amateur Radio station for NWS Boston/Norton Massachusetts, and the forecaster staff at NWS Boston/Norton, we would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and Happy Holiday season. 2018 was another interesting year for weather across the region. Some of the highlights included the January major winter storm/near blizzard event, the 3 major March coastal storms and a severe weather season that saw an above average number of tornadoes yet they were largely from marginal tropical weather setups. The year ended with an early season November moderate snowstorm and Friday 12/21/18’s storm that brought record warmth, heavy rainfall and strong to damaging wind gusts.

As has been the case for the last several years, many of you provided critical reports, pictures and videos that supported and resulted in the protection of life and property and timely warnings being issued based on the surface reporting and ground truth that is so critical in confirming what the radar is or is not seeing. This information was then shared with the media, local, state and federal emergency management and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that are always looking for situational awareness and disaster intelligence to gauge the level of response and recovery required for an incident. They remain extremely impressed with all the work that all of you do and they extend their appreciation. That appreciation of the weather and damage reports is highly recognized by many of the media outlets as well who thank SKYWARN Spotters and Amateur Radio Operators on television and over social media such as Facebook and Twitter. This mission could not be done without all of your support.

A quick synopsis of 2018 brought an interesting winter to Southern New England. A major winter storm shortly after New Year’s on January 4th brought a major winter storm across Southeast New England with snowfall totals ranging from 7-16″ with isolated higher amounts and snowfall rates as high as 2-3″ per hour along with thundersnow across the area. Wind gusts between 50-76 MPH occurred causing pockets of tree and power line damage with near blizzard conditions and one location (Block Island) meeting blizzard criteria. The storm was also known for major coastal flooding at the time of high tide in East Coastal Massachusetts, Cape Cod and the Islands causing significant flooding in the Boston seaport district and in many of the vulnerable locations of East Coastal Massachusetts, Cape Cod and the Islands.

In March 2018, a very active weather pattern emerged resulting in 3 major coastal storms affecting the region. The first storm that affected the region March 2nd through March 4th resulted in hurricane force wind gusts in Southeast New England with some areas gusting over 90 MPH to around 100 MPH and very significant wind damage across Rhode Island and Eastern Massachusetts. Power outages numbered several hundred thousand and lasted for several days. Heavy rain accompanied this coastal storm but some heavy wet snow affected portions of Northwest Massachusetts as well. Some remarked that this storm was the closest they have seen to a hurricane in recent memory. In some areas of Southeast New England, whole towns were without power due to the strength of the winds. In addition, major coastal flooding occurred in East Coastal Massachusetts and different from the January storm, the flooding occurred over multiple high tide cycles creating more significant coastal flood damage given the multiple tide cycles impacted.

The second March storm occurred during March 7th and 8th. This storm brought less wind to the region but still had wind gusts 50-60 MPH along the coastal areas and some minor coastal flooding. The main impact from this storm, however, was from heavy wet snow causing significant tree and power line damage with several hundred thousand without power and in some areas that overlapped the prior storm but affected new parts of the region as well. Snow totals ranged from 6-12″ with isolated higher amounts in our coverage areas of up to 16″. Thundersnow occurred in portions of Connecticut, Rhode Island and Central Massachusetts. Just northwest in Berkshire County Massachusetts, snowfall totals ranged between 2-3 feet but was a much drier and powdery snow in this area.

The third March storm occurred on March 13th. This resulted in a blizzard in many locations with widespread snowfall amounts of 10-20″ with isolated higher amounts. Hurricane force wind gusts again occurred but more confined to Cape Cod and the Islands with wind gusts 50-70 MPH elsewhere in East Coastal Massachusetts and Southeast New England. A significant amount of power outages occurred especially around Cape Cod and the Islands and portions of Southeast New England. Power outages lasted up to 3 days on the Cape and Islands. Coastal flooding wasn’t as much of a factor due to lower tides that occurred during this storm.

During these three storms, the move of the NWS office was in full swing. Thanks to strong cooperation at the NWS office, we were able to keep key Amateur Radio antennas up and brought in Amateur Radio Go Kits to be on the air during these storms. NWS was grateful for this extra effort and pleased that the plans we had in place for contingencies in case major storms occurred in this timeframe were covered properly.

At the new NWS office, Amateur Radio equipment was setup in time to have NWS SKYWARN Amateur Radio Operations during the Boston Marathon which featured the coldest, wettest, windiest weather in over 30 years. The support at NWS provided weather situational awareness into MEMA and the NWS forecaster deployed at the State EOC in Framingham and helped to validate this approach of having the Amateur Radio station staffed especially during any kind of weather event but also in non-weather events for any type of weather support needed.

The Summer and for that matter the Fall of 2018 featured a severe weather setup that largely had many marginal setups outside of Tuesday May 15th which resulted in the first Storm Prediction Center Moderate risk for severe weather in several years. While the worst wind damage and tornadic events were southwest of our forecast area on that day, very large hail over 2″ in diameter occurred in Granby and East Hartland, CT causing damage to cars, windows and even house siding along with pockets of wind and lightning damage. We would then go over a month before the next severe weather event on Monday June 18th with pockets of significant wind damage across North-Central Middlesex and Western Essex County Massachusetts. There were also several tornado warnings during that June event but no tornado touchdowns occurred. Several funnel clouds were spotted along with pockets of wind damage in parts of Western Massachusetts.

As we moved through July into October 2018, a very tropical air mass affected the area for much of these months. Severe weather setups were marginal but often were classified by an environment that could produce brief tornadoes. This occurred on a number of days resulting in an above average of number of tornadoes in Southern New England including tornado occurrences well into October and several waterspouts that occurred on Tuesday October 23rd and again on Monday October 29th. On Tuesday October 23rd, 4 tornadoes occurred in one day along with several waterspouts. The severe weather setup was an unexpected one caused by high low level instability as shown on a couple models along with significant turning in the atmosphere as measured by high helicity values over the area. A couple of key statistics from the severe weather season included that Connecticut broke their state record for tornadoes and in the NWS Boston/Norton coverage area, a total of 11 tornadoes occurred which is well above the average of 2 tornadoes in a given season.

As we moved into late October and November, a coastal storm would affect the region on the last Saturday in October and a storm system on the first Friday into Saturday of November would bring heavy rain of 1-3″ with higher amounts of up to 4″ followed by a damaging wind event with wind gusts in the 50-70 MPH range and pockets of tree and wire damage and power outages. On November 15th into early November 16th, the first significant snowfall would affect the region with a widespread 2-8″ of snow across interior and some near coastal locations of Massachusetts and Rhode Island with some wind gusts in the 50 to 60 MPH range. Some tree and power line damage was noted from the wet snow in the interior and from the wind gusts near the coast with this storm event. After some smaller storm events, the storm system on Friday 12/21/18 would cause pockets of tree and power line damage, wind gusts 40-60 MPH with higher wind gusts in the higher terrain up to 72 MPH as observed in Milton, MA – Blue Hill and rainfall of 1-3″ generally across the region with higher amounts close to 4″ and minor coastal flooding during a couple high tide cycles extending into Saturday 12/22/18.

As we move forward in 2019, we will be continuing our commitment to SKYWARN training. Planning has started and sessions will be posted for 2019 SKYWARN Training starting in January. Also for 2019, the Hurricane Awareness Tour will return to Southern New England for the first time since 2011. They will return to the area on Monday May 6th 2019 to TF Green State Airport in Warwick, RI.

We also know that we’ve continued to have a large influx of SKYWARN Spotters and Amateur Radio Operators after a full slate of SKYWARN Training classes. We will also look at ways spotters and Amateurs can become more active in supporting efforts to gather critical reports from other areas beyond where they are located and do so in a precise manner.

We will also continue to embrace new technologies while maintaining all the other technologies utilized to gather as much real-time and precise meteorological and damage report information as possible and this effort will be pushed more heavily after the NWS office move to Norton Massachusetts. We utilized DMR during the 2018 SKYWARN Recognition Day event and will be looking to add that capability when possible during activations. We will attempt to look at DSTAR Amateur Radio as an additional means for reporting during severe weather and we are still looking at a new Amateur Radio technology called NBEMS, the Narrow Band Emergency Messaging System, as a potential means to gather weather spotter data digitally over Ham Radio. These are added capabilities that we will be looking at and will not replace the continued core technologies within VHF and UHF (2 Meters/440 MHz) SKYWARN Amateur Radio Repeaters and simplex capabilities, our usage of Echolink/IRLP Amateur Radio linked repeaters, Amateur Radio HF and 6 Meters capabilities as well as monitoring of weather stations ingested over APRS and into the Mesonet networks that have supported and helped with seeing what is happening on the ground.

We will also be looking at other ways to engage both Amateur Radio and non-Amateur Radio SKYWARN Spotters via other ways to get near real-time and historical spotter reports and near real-time video and pictures as well as historical video and pictures after a major severe weather event via a project the WX1BOX Amateur Radio team is working over the past year. Further details on this will be announced as the project progresses along with additional projects being worked over the past Spring as well. This will further enhance our abilities to gather situational awareness and disaster intelligence information in a short period of time

We continue to have our twitter feed setup and you can follow WX1BOX on Twitter by following our Amateur Radio Call-Sign, WX1BOX and have our WX1BOX Facebook page available as well. NWS Boston/Norton has also continued the use of their Twitter and Facebook feeds as well over the course of 2017. Spotters and Amateur Radio Operators can follow WX1BOX and ‘NWSBoston’ on Twitter and on Facebook can ‘like’ these pages. They are available via the following links:

WX1BOX Amateur Radio SKYWARN Facebook Page:

NWS Boston/Norton Facebook Page:

WX1BOX Amateur Radio SKYWARN Twitter Feed:

NWS Taunton Twitter feed:

We, again, want to provide a tremendous THANK YOU to all of you that supported SKYWARN and the National Weather Service during 2018. We wish everyone once again, a Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and Happy Holiday Season and hope people enjoy their time with family and friends during this joyous holiday season!

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Section Emergency Coordinator
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875 (After 6 PM)
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503 (After 6 PM)
Work Phone #: 508-346-2929 (8 AM-5 PM)
Email Address:
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Storm Coordination Message #3 – Late Thursday Night 12/20/18-Late Friday Night 12/21/18 Heavy Rain/High Wind/Severe Weather Potential

Hello to all…

..Very strong and unusually warm storm system for December is on track to impact the region with the potential for very heavy rainfall and the potential for urban and poor drainage flooding to possibly even small river and stream flooding, strong to damaging winds and possibly even isolated strong to severe thunderstorms that will have the potential to bring stronger winds to the surface with the strong to severe thunderstorm potential highest in Southeast New England..
..A Flood Watch remains in effect for the entire NWS Boston/Norton coverage area from late Thursday Night through late Friday Night for at least 1-3″ of rain with higher amounts possible to likely and the potential for urban and poor drainage flooding to possibly small river and stream flooding..
..A High Wind Warning is now in effect for Cape Cod and the Islands from 7 AM-10 PM Friday for Cape Cod and the Islands for sustained winds of 25-35 MPH with gusts to 60 MPH. A Wind Advisory is now in effect from 6 AM-10 PM Friday for Essex, Southeast Middlesex, Suffolk, Norfolk, Bristol, Plymouth Counties of Massachusetts and all of Rhode Island except for Northwest Rhode Island for sustained winds of 25-35 MPH with gusts to 45-55 MPH. These winds will cause isolated to scattered pockets of tree and wire damage and isolated to scattered power outages..
..A Coastal Flood Advisory is now in effect from 4-9 PM Friday for South Coastal Massachusetts, Cape Cod and South Coastal Rhode Island for minor coastal flooding at the time of high tide on the most vulnerable shore roads in this area..
..SKYWARN Activation with Ops at NWS Boston/Norton will commence by around 7-8 AM Friday Morning lasting through Friday Evening..

An unusually strong and warm storm system for December is on track to impact the region late Thursday Night into late Friday Night. The headlines depict current thinking including converting the High Wind Watch to a High Wind Warning for Cape Cod and the Islands and the posting of a Wind Advisory for East Coastal and Southeast Massachusetts and all of Rhode Island except Northwest Rhode Island and the issuance of a Coastal Flood Advisory for the Friday Evening high tide cycle for South Coastal Massachusetts and Rhode Island including Cape Cod. Key factors for this storm system remains as follows:

1.) Rainfall amounts of 1-3″ are likely but its quite possible higher amounts of greater than 3″ could occur as it will be an unusually warm and moist atmosphere for December over the area. As amounts approach or exceed 3″ and depending on the aerial coverage of those rainfall amounts, the risk for flooding increases and this will be watched closely.
2.) There will be very strong winds aloft out of the south and southeast direction. Typically, these winds struggle to reach the surface however given the storm setup and particularly over Southeast New England where temperatures could potentially be as high as 60 degrees or possibly above 60 degrees, that could potentially allow these winds to mix to the surface more prevalently than normal. Also, any thunderstorm activity or heavy convective downpours would also be a mechanism to bring stronger winds down to the surface. These aspects will bear watching as we get closer to the storm event.
3.) While very unusual, we will have to monitor the potential for even isolated severe thunderstorms in this environment and even the very low possibility that an isolated waterspout or tornado could occur particularly in Southeast New England. The unusual warm, moist atmosphere, very strong wind fields aloft and the potential for low-level instability would make this possible with the key conditional component the low-level instability. This will bear close watching.
4.) Minor coastal flooding is now most likely during the Friday Evening high tide where a Coastal Flood Advisory has been posted.

SKYWARN Activation with Ops at NWS Boston/Norton will commence by around 7-8 AM Friday Morning lasting through Friday Evening. This will likely be the last coordination message for this storm event as we move into Amateur Radio Operations mode early Friday Morning unless a significant upgrade to the situation occurs and time allows for an update. Below is the NWS Boston/Norton Flood Watch Statement, High Wind Warning/Wind Advisory Statement, Coastal Flood Advisory Statement, Hazardous Weather Outlook, Enhanced Hazardous Weather Outlook and Facebook Infographics:

NWS Boston/Norton Flood Watch Statement:

NWS Boston/Norton High Wind Warning/Wind Advisory Statement:

NWS Boston/Norton Coastal Flood Advisory Statement:

NWS Boston/Norton Hazardous Weather Outlook:

NWS Boston/Norton Enhanced Hazardous Weather Outlook:

NWS Boston/Norton Facebook Infographics:

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Section Emergency Coordinator
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875 (After 6 PM)
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503 (After 6 PM)
Work Phone #: 508-346-2929 (8 AM-5 PM)
Email Address:
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Storm Coordination Message #2 – Late Thursday Night 12/20/18-Late Friday Night 12/21/18

Hello to all…

..Very strong and unusually warm storm system for December is on track to impact the region with the potential for very heavy rainfall and the potential for urban and poor drainage flooding to possibly even small river and stream flooding, strong to damaging winds and possibly even isolated strong to severe thunderstorms that will have the potential to bring stronger winds to the surface with the strong to severe thunderstorm potential highest in Southeast New England..
..A Flood Watch remains in effect for the entire NWS Boston/Norton coverage area from late Thursday Night through late Friday Night for at least 1-3″ of rain with higher amounts possible to likely and the potential for urban and poor drainage flooding to possibly small river and stream flooding..
..A High Wind Watch is now in effect from Friday Morning to Friday Evening for South Coastal Massachusetts and Rhode Island and Cape Cod and the Islands for sustained winds of 25-35 MPH with gusts to 50-60 MPH possible along with isolated higher gusts. Wind Advisories will likely be required for other portions of at least Central and Eastern New England in future updates..
..Minor coastal flooding is possible at the time of the Friday and possibly Saturday Morning high tide cycles for south and east facing coastal locations and will be monitored..
..SKYWARN Activation with Ops at NWS Boston/Norton will commence by around 7-8 AM Friday Morning lasting through Friday Evening..

An unusually strong and warm storm system for December is on track to impact the region late Thursday Night into late Friday Night. The headlines depict current thinking including an expansion of the High Wind Watch through South Coastal Massachusetts and Rhode Island. The headlines will likely undergo further adjustments as we get closer to the storm event. Key factors for this storm system remains as follows:

1.) Rainfall amounts of 1-3″ are likely but its quite possible higher amounts of greater than 3″ could occur as it will be an unusually warm and moist atmosphere for December over the area. As amounts approach or exceed 3″ and depending on the aerial coverage of those rainfall amounts, the risk for flooding increases and this will be watched closely.
2.) There will be very strong winds aloft out of the south and southeast direction. Typically, these winds struggle to reach the surface however given the storm setup and particularly over Southeast New England where temperatures could potentially be as high as 60 degrees or possibly above 60 degrees, that could potentially allow these winds to mix to the surface more prevalently than normal. Also, any thunderstorm activity or heavy convective downpours would also be a mechanism to bring stronger winds down to the surface. These aspects will bear watching as we get closer to the storm event.
3.) While very unusual, we will have to monitor the potential for even isolated severe thunderstorms in this environment and even the very low possibility that an isolated waterspout or tornado could occur particularly in Southeast New England. The unusual warm, moist atmosphere, very strong wind fields aloft and the potential for low-level instability would make this possible with the key conditional component the low-level instability. This will bear close watching.
4.) Minor coastal flooding is also possible at high tide cycles on Friday and possibly the Saturday Morning high tide cycle. This will depend on how the strong winds are and how they are timed at the high tide cycles.

SKYWARN Activation with Ops at NWS Boston/Norton will commence by around 7-8 AM Friday Morning lasting through Friday Evening. Another coordination message will be posted by 1000 PM Thursday Evening. Below is the NWS Boston/Norton Flood Watch Statement, High Wind Watch Statement, Hazardous Weather Outlook and Enhanced Hazardous Weather Outlook:

NWS Boston/Norton Flood Watch Statement:

NWS Boston/Norton High Wind Watch Statement:

NWS Boston/Norton Hazardous Weather Outlook:

NWS Boston/Norton Enhanced Hazardous Weather Outlook:

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Section Emergency Coordinator
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875 (After 6 PM)
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503 (After 6 PM)
Work Phone #: 508-346-2929 (8 AM-5 PM)
Email Address:
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Storm Coordination Message #1 – Late Thursday Night 12/20/18-Late Friday Night 12/21/18 Storm Potential

Hello to all…

..Very strong and unusually warm storm system for December to impact the region with the potential for very heavy rainfall and the potential for urban and poor drainage flooding to possibly even small river and stream flooding, strong to damaging winds and possibly even isolated strong to severe thunderstorms that will have the potential to bring stronger winds to the surface with the strong to severe thunderstorm potential highest in Southeast New England..
..A Flood Watch is now in effect for the entire NWS Boston/Norton coverage area from late Thursday Night through late Friday Night for at least 1-3″ of rain with higher amounts possible to likely and the potential for urban and poor drainage flooding to possibly small river and stream flooding..
..A High Wind Watch is now in effect from Friday Morning to Friday Evening for Cape Cod and the Islands for sustained winds of 25-35 MPH with gusts to 50-60 MPH possible. Wind Advisories will likely be required for other portions of at least Eastern New England in future updates..
..Minor coastal flooding is possible at the time of the Friday and possibly Saturday Morning high tide cycles for south and east facing coastal locations and will be monitored..
..SKYWARN Self-Activation is likely for this storm system from Friday Morning through Friday Evening. Ops at NWS Boston/Norton are also possible. Our activation posture will be firmed up as we get closer to the storm event..

An unusually strong and warm storm system for December will impact the region late Thursday Night into Friday Night. The headlines depict current thinking and will likely undergo further adjustments as we get closer to the storm event. Key factors for this storm system are as follows:

1.) Rainfall amounts of 1-3″ are likely but its quite possible higher amounts of greater than 3″ could occur as it will be an unusually warm and moist atmosphere for December over the area. As amounts approach or exceed 3″ and depending on the aerial coverage of those rainfall amounts, the risk for flooding increases and this will be watched closely.
2.) There will be very strong winds aloft out of the south and southeast direction. Typically, these winds struggle to reach the surface however given the storm setup and particularly over Southeast New England where temperatures could potentially be as high as 60 degrees or possibly above 60 degrees, that could potentially allow these winds to mix to the surface more prevelantly than normal. Also, any thunderstorm activity or heavy convective downpours would also be a mechanism to bring stronger winds down to the surface. These aspects will bear watching as we get closer to the storm event.
3.) While very unusual, we will have to monitor the potential for even isolated severe thunderstorms in this environment and even the very low possibility that an isolated waterspout or tornado could occur particularly in Southeast New England. The unusual warm, moist atmosphere, very strong wind fields aloft and the potential for low-level instability would make this possible with the key conditional component the low-level instability. This will bear close watching.
4.) Minor coastal flooding is also possible at high tide cycles on Friday and possibly the Saturday Morning high tide cycle. This will depend on how the strong winds are and how they are timed at the high tide cycles.

SKYWARN Self-Activation is likely for this storm system from Friday Morning through Friday Evening. Ops at NWS Boston/Norton are also possible. Our activation posture will be firmed up as we get closer to the storm event. Another coordination message will be posted by 1000 AM Thursday Morning. Below is the NWS Boston/Norton Flood Watch Statement, High Wind Watch Statement, Hazardous Weather Outlook and Enhanced Hazardous Weather Outlook:

NWS Boston/Norton Flood Watch Statement:

NWS Boston/Norton High Wind Watch Statement:

NWS Boston/Norton Hazardous Weather Outlook:

NWS Boston/Norton Enhanced Hazardous Weather Outlook:

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Section Emergency Coordinator
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875 (After 6 PM)
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503 (After 6 PM)
Work Phone #: 508-346-2929 (8 AM-5 PM)
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Wind Coordination Message #1 – Strong Wind Potential – Late Monday Evening 12/17/18-Tuesday Morning 12/18/18

Hello to all…

..Strong Winds will Develop Across portions of Southern New England late tonight and especially Tuesday Morning with one day of cold temperatures prior to a warming trend for later this week..
..A Wind Advisory is now in effect from 11 PM Monday Evening to 1 PM Tuesday Afternoon for Cape Cod and the Islands, Eastern Essex, Suffolk, Eastern Norfolk, and Eastern Plymouth Counties of Massachusetts for sustained winds of 20-30 MPH with gusts to 50 MPH. In addition, portions of interior Southern New England in the higher elevations could experience strong wind gusts just below advisory criteria. The strongest winds are expected Tuesday Morning and could cause isolated pockets of tree and wire damage and isolated power outages..
..SKYWARN Self-Activation will monitor strong wind gusts and isolated pockets of wind damage in the region. This will likely be the only coordination message for the strong wind potential unless there is a significant upgrade to the situation and time allows for an update. Below is the NWS Boston/Norton Wind Advisory Statement, Hazardous Weather Outlook and Enhanced Hazardous Weather Outlook..

NWS Boston/Norton Wind Advisory Statement:

NWS Boston/Norton Hazardous Weather Outlook:

NWS Boston/Norton Enhanced Hazardous Weather Outlook:

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Section Emergency Coordinator
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875 (After 6 PM)
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503 (After 6 PM)
Work Phone #: 508-346-2929 (8 AM-5 PM)
Email Address:
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Storm Coordination Message #2 – Sunday Evening 12/16/18-Monday Morning 12/17/18 Light Wintry Mix Potential

Hello to all…

..Storm system causing a light wintry mix in Northern and Western Massachusetts tonight into Monday Morning and some strong wind gusts to 40 MPH over Cape Cod and the Islands..
..A Winter Weather Advisory is now in effect from 5 AM Monday Morning for Franklin, Hampshire, Hampden, Northern Worcester and Northern Middlesex Counties of Massachusetts for a coating to 2″ of snow and around one-tenth of an inch of ice. Some areas in the higher elevations may see snowfall of 2-4″ of snow depending on the changeover. The Winter Weather Advisory for Hartford County Connecticut has been cancelled..
..SKYWARN Self-Activation will monitor conditions Sunday into Monday. This will be the last coordination message on this storm situation unless a significant upgrade to the situation occurs. Below is the NWS Boston/Norton Winter Weather Advisory Statement, Hazardous Weather Outlook and Enhanced Hazardous Weather Outlook and Snow and Ice Maps..

NWS Boston/Norton Winter Weather Advisory Statement:

NWS Boston/Norton Hazardous Weather Outlook:

NWS Boston/Norton Enhanced Hazardous Weather Outlook:

NWS Boston/Norton Snow and Ice Maps:

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Section Emergency Coordinator
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875 (After 6 PM)
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503 (After 6 PM)
Work Phone #: 508-346-2929 (8 AM-5 PM)
Email Address:
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Storm Coordination Message #1 – Sunday Morning 12/16/18-Monday Morning 12/17/18 Light Wintry Mix Potential

Hello to all…

..Storm system will cause a light wintry mix in Northern and Western Massachusetts and Northwest Connecticut Sunday Morning into Monday Morning and some strong wind gusts to 40 MPH over Cape Cod and the Islands..
..A Winter Weather Advisory is now in effect from 6 AM Sunday Morning to 7 AM Monday Morning for Hartford County Connecticut and Franklin, Hampshire, Hampden, Northern Worcester and Northern Middlesex Counties of Massachusetts for a coating to 2″ of snow and around one-tenth of an inch of ice. Trends will be monitored in case a stronger storm solution occurs resulting in heavier snow and ice amounts..
..SKYWARN Self-Activation will monitor conditions Sunday into Monday. Another Coordination Message will be posted by 9 AM Sunday Morning. Below is the NWS Boston/Norton Winter Weather Advisory Statement, Special Weather Statement, Hazardous Weather Outlook, Enhanced Hazardous Weather Outlook and Snow and Ice Maps..

NWS Boston/Norton Winter Weather Advisory Statement:

NWS Boston/Norton Special Weather Statement:

NWS Boston/Norton Hazardous Weather Outlook:

NWS Boston/Norton Enhanced Hazardous Weather Outlook:

NWS Boston/Norton Snow and Ice Maps:

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Section Emergency Coordinator
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875 (After 6 PM)
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503 (After 6 PM)
Work Phone #: 508-346-2929 (8 AM-5 PM)
Email Address:
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Storm Coordination Message #1 – Saturday Evening 12/1/18-Sunday Morning 12/2/18 Light Icing Potential

Hello to all…

..As SKYWARN Recognition Day 2018 winds down, we’ll monitor incing conditions during the late Saturday Evening and Sunday Morning hours in Northern and Western Massachusetts and possibly extend into Northern Connecticut..
..A Winter Weather Advisory is now in effect from 10 PM Saturday Evening through 700 AM Sunday for Eastern Franklin, Eastern Hampshire and Northern Middlesex Counties of Massachusetts and a Winter Weather Advisory is now in effect from 10 PM Saturday Evening through 1000 AM Sunday Morning for Western Franklin, Western Hampshire, Western Hampden Counties of Massachusetts for less than 1″ of snow but a trace to one-quarter inch of icing. This will create icy conditions on roadways. The icing should stay below damaging thresholds but isolated pockets of tree and wire damage is possible if icing meets or exceeds 1/4″ of icing..
..SKYWARN Self-Activation will monitor icing conditions in the Winter Weather Advisory area extending into Northwest Connecticut. This will be the only coordination message unless a significant upgrade to the situation occurs. Below is the NWS Boston/Norton Winter Weather Advisory statement, Hazardous Weather Outlook, Enhanced Hazardous Weather Outlook and snow and ice maps..

NWS Boston/Norton Winter Weather Advisory Statement:

NWS Boston/Norton Hazardous Weather Outlook:

NWS Boston/Norton Enhanced Hazardous Weather Outlook:

NWS Boston/Norton Snow and Ice Maps:

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Section Emergency Coordinator
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875 (After 6 PM)
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503 (After 6 PM)
Work Phone #: 508-346-2929 (8 AM-5 PM)
Email Address:
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