Special Announcement: 2017 ARRL Hurricane Webinar – Monday July 17th, 2017 800-930 PM EDT

Hello to all..

The ARRL will be hosting a Hurricane Webinar on Monday July 17th, 2017 from 800-930 PM EDT. Details on registration can be seen via the following link:

The webinar will go through an overview of the 2017 Atlantic Hurricane Season and key Amateur Radio group’s preparedness for the season and how Amateur Radio Operators and SKYWARN Spotters can become involved. These Amateur Radio Group’s include, WX4NHC, the Amateur Radio Station at the National Hurricane Center, which is now in its 37th year of service, the Hurricane Watch Net, the VoIP Hurricane Net and the American Radio Relay League (ARRL). Also, an Amateur Radio Operator who is the Warning Preparedness Meteorologist at the Canadian Hurricane Centre will be given the meteorological overview of the season.

We hope many folks can join the 2017 ARRL Hurricane Webinar!

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Assistant Section Emergency Coordinator
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875 (After 6 PM)
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503 (After 6 PM)
Work Phone #: 508-346-2929 (8 AM-5 PM)
Email Address: rmacedo@rcn.com
Like us on Facebook – http://www.facebook.com/wx1box
Follow us on Twitter – http://twitter.com/wx1box

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Severe Weather and Amateur Radio Field Day Coordination Message #4 – Saturday Morning-Early Afternoon 6/24/17 Severe Weather & Heavy Rainfall Potential

Hello to all..

..The following is the fourth and likely final in a series of messages on Amateur Radio Field Day Weekend and providing information on the weather during this period. This is a tradition spanning over 15 years for Amateur Radio Operators involved with Field Day and the NWS Taunton SKYWARN Program..
..Severe Thunderstorms impacted portions of Middlesex and Essex County Massachusetts with damage to trees and power lines from high winds and damage from lightning strikes. Several Amateur Radio Field Day sites in these areas had to take cover from these severe thunderstorms..
..Thunderstorms with heavy rainfall and frequent lightning remain possible to across much of the NWS Taunton coverage area with a focus on Southeast New England from Saturday mid-morning through early Saturday Afternoon. There remains the potential for isolated strong to severe thunderstorms in these areas with a strong to damaging wind and perhaps even an isolated brief tornado threat particularly over Southeast New England but could extend into other parts of the area through about Noon-1 PM. The Storm Prediction Center (SPC) has kept areas of southeast New England in a marginal risk for severe weather..
..A High Surf Advisory is in effect through 800 PM for Southeast Coastal Massachusetts including Cape Cod and the Islands and a coastal flood statement for East Coastal Massachusetts for the Saturday Evening high tide from 1000 PM tonight through 1 AM Sunday. There were some minor coastal flood issues reported with the late Friday Evening high tide..
..After the cold front, sweeps through, rapid clearing will take place allowing for a great remainder of the weekend for the region through Sunday Afternoon with just isolated showers possible in the far distant interior on Sunday Afternoon..
..Amateur Radio Field Day Weekend is an annual event where Ham Operators across the United States setup at Emergency Operations Centers, field locations, home locations etc. to operate and test their equipment and skills and make as many radio contacts as possible during the weekend. Many locations can be visited by the public and Amateur Radio Field Day can be a form of outreach to Ham and non-Ham Operators. It is also noted that several states have given proclamations to Amateur Radio/Ham Radio Operators for either an ‘Amateur Radio Day or Amateur Radio Week’ during the month of June or an ‘Amateur Radio Month’ for this month. It is both a fun/preparatory event for Ham Radio Operators for Emergency Communications scenarios..
..SKYWARN Self-Activation is likely with Ops at NWS Taunton possible through early Saturday Afternoon for isolated severe weather, thunderstorm and flood potential in the region. NWS Taunton Lightning Safety Awareness Week information, as this year’s Amateur Radio Field Day weekend is coinciding with that awareness week, can be found near the bottom of this coordination message. No SKYWARN Activation is expected from mid-Saturday Afternoon through Sunday..

Severe Thunderstorms impacted portions of Middlesex and Essex County Massachusetts with damage to trees and power lines from high winds and damage from lightning strikes. Several Amateur Radio Field Day sites in these areas had to take cover from these severe thunderstorms as the clearing and heating of the day allowed for instability to take advantage of sufficiently strong wind shear profiles despite other limiting severe weather factors to cause a cluster of severe thunderstorms in interior Northeast Massachusetts. The NWS Taunton Local Storm Report, the WX1BOX Amateur Radio log of storm events recorded and the WX1BOX Facebook Photo Album of damage photos can be seen at the following links:

NWS Taunton Local Storm Report:

WX1BOX Amateur Radio Report Log:

NWS Taunton Facebook Album:

There are a large number of Amateur Radio Field Day sites across the NWS Taunton Coverage Area and adjacent NWS Coverage Areas. Here are some links to information on these Amateur Radio Field Day Sites from across the region:

Amateur Radio Field Day Information: http://www.arrl.org/field-day
Amateur Radio Field Day National Locator: http://www.arrl.org/field-day-locator
Eastern Massachusetts Field Day Home Page: http://fd.ema.arrl.org/

The commonwealth of Massachusetts has declared Saturday June 24th, 2017 Amateur Radio Day in honor of the ARRL Field Day event. The details can be seen at this link:

Overnight, conditions were relatively benign with scattered downpours occurring in the NWS Taunton coverage area between midnight and 2 AM. As of 600 AM EDT Saturday Morning, Doppler Radar is showing an area of rain, some of it heavy across Southeast New York, Western Massachusetts and Western Connecticut extending southeastward with heavy downpours and possible embedded thunderstorms over Southeast Pennsylvania through Central New Jersey. All of this activity is moving eastward with heavier downpours and embedded thunderstorms are tracking northeastward. This activity will continue to move west to east into Southern New England through Saturday Morning and exit the region around midday through early afternoon. Heavy rainfall and frequent lightning are the main threats with convective showers and thunderstorms moving into the area but an isolated severe thunderstorm risk remains across much of Southern New England with an area of focus over Southern New England for a strong to damaging wind risk and possibly even an isolated brief tornado. SPC has continued the marginal risk focused on Southeast New England in the last update. Any Field day sites setting up operations or outdoors Saturday Morning through early afternoon should continue to monitor forecasts and warnings as there will remain the risk for lightning in any thunderstorms and an isolated severe thunderstorm risk with strong to damaging winds and possibly an isolated brief tornado as well.

After early this afternoon, rapid clearing will take place and a warm but less humid day is expected with temperatures in the mid-80s to lower 90s. For Saturday Night, temperatures will be much cooler with lows in the 50s to lower 60s. Temperatures on Sunday are expected to be in upper 70s through mid-80s with excellent weather expected. An isolated shower can’t be ruled out over far northwestern parts of the NWS Taunton coverage area but thunderstorms and any severe weather is not expected.

SKYWARN Self-Activation is likely with Ops at NWS Taunton possible tonight through early Saturday Afternoon for isolated severe weather, thunderstorm and flood potential in the region. No SKYWARN Activation is expected from mid-Saturday Afternoon through Sunday. Below are links to the Storm Prediction Center (SPC) Day-1 Convective Outlook, NWS Taunton Special Weather Statement, NWS Taunton Hazardous Weather Outlook and NWS Taunton Experimental Enhanced Hazardous Weather Outlook:

SPC Day-1 Convective Outlook:

NWS Taunton Special Weather Statement:

NWS Taunton Hazardous Weather Outlook:

NWS Taunton Experimental Enhanced Hazardous Weather Outlook:

There was some minor coastal flood issues at the time of high tide late Friday Night and similar issues could be seen at this evening’s high tide and there is also a High Surf Advisory in effect through 8 PM for Southeast Coastal Massachusetts and Rhode Island including the Cape and Islands for those looking to go to the coast. The NWS Taunton High Surf Advisory Statement and Coastal Flood Statement can be seen at the following links:

NWS Taunton High Surf Advisory and Coastal Flood Statement:

Amateur Radio Field Day sites are still encouraged to bring a NOAA All-Hazards Weather Radio, monitor various cell phone weather apps where Amateur Operators may have those available and have a dedicated Ham Radio that can monitor their local SKYWARN Frequency for their area as a best safety and preparedness practice. Also sites that have mobile Internet capability can utilize that capability as a way to monitor for weather information. With Mobile Internet capability, utilizing Echolink to monitor the New England Reflector system on Echolink Conference *NEW-ENG3* Node: 9123/IRLP 9123 would be helpful as well. Please see the link below for the latest SKYWARN Frequency information for the region:

During setup and takedown of Amateur Radio Field Day sites and even while operating, be sure to drink plenty of fluids and eat accordingly. Also having a jacket or sweatshirt during evenings as conditions cool etc. may also be useful while operating this year’s Field Day. The link below features information on Heat Safety:

This year’s Amateur Radio Field Day weekend is coinciding with Lightning Safety Awareness Week and NWS Taunton is issuing Public Information Statements on Lightning Safety. Lightning Safety tips and information can be seen at the following link:

This will likely be the final complete Severe Weather/Amateur Radio Field Day coordination message for this year’s event. A shortened coordination message regarding Ops at NWS Taunton will be issued if time allows and Ops at NWS Taunton are necessary for the Saturday Morning through early afternoon timeframe.

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Assistant Section Emergency Coordinator
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875 (After 6 PM)
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503 (After 6 PM)
Work Phone #: 508-346-2929 (8 AM-5 PM)
Email Address: rmacedo@rcn.com
Like us on Facebook – http://www.facebook.com/wx1box
Follow us on Twitter – http://twitter.com/wx1box

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Severe Weather and Amateur Radio Field Day Coordination Message #3 – Friday Evening 6/23/17-Saturday PM 6/24/17 Severe Weather & Heavy Rainfall Potential

Hello to all..

..The following is the third in a series of messages on Amateur Radio Field Day Weekend and providing information on the weather during this period. This is a tradition spanning over 15 years for Amateur Radio Operators involved with Field Day and the NWS Taunton SKYWARN Program..
..Severe Thunderstorms impacted portions of Middlesex and Essex County Massachusetts with damage to trees and power lines from high winds and damage from lightning strikes. Several Amateur Radio Field Day sites in these areas had to take cover from these severe thunderstorms..
..Thunderstorms with heavy rainfall and frequent lightning are likely to continue across much of the NWS Taunton coverage area Friday Evening into early Saturday Afternoon. There remains the potential for isolated strong to severe thunderstorms in these areas with a strong to damaging wind and hail risk as well and the Storm Prediction Center (SPC) has continued Western and Central Massachusetts and North-Central Connecticut in a marginal risk for severe weather and expanded that into Northeast Massachusetts..
..Amateur Radio Field Day Weekend is an annual event where Ham Operators across the United States setup at Emergency Operations Centers, field locations, home locations etc. to operate and test their equipment and skills and make as many radio contacts as possible during the weekend. Many locations can be visited by the public and Amateur Radio Field Day can be a form of outreach to Ham and non-Ham Operators. It is also noted that several states have given proclamations to Amateur Radio/Ham Radio Operators for either an ‘Amateur Radio Day or Amateur Radio Week’ during the month of June or an ‘Amateur Radio Month’ for this month. It is both a fun/preparatory event for Ham Radio Operators for Emergency Communications scenarios..
..SKYWARN Self-Activation is likely with Ops at NWS Taunton possible tonight through early Saturday Afternoon for isolated severe weather, thunderstorm and flood potential in the region. NWS Taunton Lightning Safety Awareness Week information, as this year’s Amateur Radio Field Day weekend is coinciding with that awareness week, can be found near the bottom of this coordination message..

Severe Thunderstorms impacted portions of Middlesex and Essex County Massachusetts with damage to trees and power lines from high winds and damage from lightning strikes. Several Amateur Radio Field Day sites in these areas had to take cover from these severe thunderstorms as the clearing and heating of the day allowed for instability to take advantage of sufficiently strong wind shear profiles despite other limiting severe weather factors to cause a cluster of severe thunderstorms in interior Northeast Massachusetts. The NWS Taunton Local Storm Report, the WX1BOX Amateur Radio log of storm events recorded and the WX1BOX Facebook Photo Album of damage photos can be seen at the following links:

NWS Taunton Local Storm Report:

WX1BOX Amateur Radio Report Log:

NWS Taunton Facebook Album:

There are a large number of Amateur Radio Field Day sites across the NWS Taunton Coverage Area and adjacent NWS Coverage Areas. Here are some links to information on these Amateur Radio Field Day Sites from across the region:

Amateur Radio Field Day Information: http://www.arrl.org/field-day
Amateur Radio Field Day National Locator: http://www.arrl.org/field-day-locator
Eastern Massachusetts Field Day Home Page: http://fd.ema.arrl.org/

The commonwealth of Massachusetts has declared Saturday June 24th, 2017 Amateur Radio Day in honor of the ARRL Field Day event. The details can be seen at this link:

As of 700 PM EDT Friday Evening, the radar was quiet over Southern New England. Expanding the radar view out to New York and the Mid-Atlantic states, shower and thunderstorm activity was scattered across portions of Western, Central and Southeast New York and into Northern Pennsylvania and Northern New Jersey. This activity will move into Southern New England later this evening and overnight Friday through Saturday Morning and possibly extend through early afternoon. Heavy rainfall and frequent lightning are the main threats with thunderstorms and heavy downpours organizing and moving into the area but an isolated severe thunderstorm risk remains across much of interior Southern New England with a strong to damaging wind risk and possibly hail. SPC has continued the marginal risk across portions of interior Southern New England and expanded it into Northeast Massachusetts in the last update. Any Field day sites camping out overnight or looking to setup Saturday Morning should continue to monitor forecasts and warnings as there will remain the risk for lightning in any thunderstorms and an isolated severe thunderstorm risk with strong to damaging winds and hail as well. There is a slight chance for a more general heavy rainfall with embedded thunderstorms over the area during the overnight into early Saturday Afternoon timeframe but current expectations are for more scattered activity with heavy rainfall in isolated to scattered locations based on the current setup and this will be watched closely.

SKYWARN Self-Activation is likely with Ops at NWS Taunton possible tonight through early Saturday Afternoon for isolated severe weather, thunderstorm and flood potential in the region. Below are links to the Storm Prediction Center (SPC) Day-1 Convective Outlook, NWS Taunton Hazardous Weather Outlook and NWS Taunton Experimental Enhanced Hazardous Weather Outlook:

SPC Day-1 Convective Outlook:

NWS Taunton Hazardous Weather Outlook:

NWS Taunton Experimental Enhanced Hazardous Weather Outlook:

Amateur Radio Field Day sites are still encouraged to bring a NOAA All-Hazards Weather Radio, monitor various cell phone weather apps where Amateur Operators may have those available and have a dedicated Ham Radio that can monitor their local SKYWARN Frequency for their area as a best safety and preparedness practice. Also sites that have mobile Internet capability can utilize that capability as a way to monitor for weather information. With Mobile Internet capability, utilizing Echolink to monitor the New England Reflector system on Echolink Conference *NEW-ENG3* Node: 9123/IRLP 9123 would be helpful as well. Please see the link below for the latest SKYWARN Frequency information for the region:

During setup and takedown of Amateur Radio Field Day sites and even while operating, be sure to drink plenty of fluids and eat accordingly. Also having a jacket or sweatshirt during evenings as conditions cool etc. may also be useful while operating this year’s Field Day. The link below features information on Heat Safety:

This year’s Amateur Radio Field Day weekend is coinciding with Lightning Safety Awareness Week and NWS Taunton is issuing Public Information Statements on Lightning Safety. Lightning Safety tips and information can be seen at the following link:

The next complete Severe Weather/Amateur Radio Field Day coordination message will be posted by 1000 AM Saturday Morning. A shortened coordination message regarding Ops at NWS Taunton will be issued if time allows and Ops at NWS Taunton are necessary.

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Assistant Section Emergency Coordinator
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875 (After 6 PM)
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503 (After 6 PM)
Work Phone #: 508-346-2929 (8 AM-5 PM)
Email Address: rmacedo@rcn.com
Like us on Facebook – http://www.facebook.com/wx1box
Follow us on Twitter – http://twitter.com/wx1box

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Severe Weather and Amateur Radio Field Day Coordination Message #2 – Friday PM 6/23/17-Saturday PM 6/24/17 Severe Weather & Heavy Rainfall Potential

Hello to all..

..The following is the second in a series of messages on Amateur Radio Field Day Weekend and providing information on the weather during this period. This is a tradition spanning over 15 years for Amateur Radio Operators involved with Field Day and the NWS Taunton SKYWARN Program..
..Thunderstorms with heavy rainfall and frequent lightning are likely in western portions of the NWS Taunton coverage area Friday Afternoon and Evening and could spread to eastern areas later Friday Evening. There is the potential for isolated strong to severe thunderstorms in these areas with a strong to damaging wind and hail risk as well and the Storm Prediction Center (SPC) has placed Western and Central Massachusetts and North-Central Connecticut in a marginal risk for severe weather..
..Heavy rainfall is possible Friday Night into Saturday Morning depending on the passage of a cold front and interaction with and/or track of the remnants of Tropical Storm Cindy..
..Amateur Radio Field Day Weekend is an annual event where Ham Operators across the United States setup at Emergency Operations Centers, field locations, home locations etc. to operate and test their equipment and skills and make as many radio contacts as possible during the weekend. Many locations can be visited by the public and Amateur Radio Field Day can be a form of outreach to Ham and non-Ham Operators. It is also noted that several states have given proclamations to Amateur Radio/Ham Radio Operators for either an ‘Amateur Radio Day or Amateur Radio Week’ during the month of June or an ‘Amateur Radio Month’ for this month. It is both a fun/preparatory event for Ham Radio Operators for Emergency Communications scenarios..
..SKYWARN Self-Activation is likely with Ops at NWS Taunton are possible late Friday Morning through Friday Evening with SKYWARN Self-Activation likely and Ops at NWS Taunton possible Saturday Morning pending the track and interaction of the remnants of Tropical Storm Cindy with the cold front as it sweeps through the area..

There are a large number of Amateur Radio Field Day sites across the NWS Taunton Coverage Area and adjacent NWS Coverage Areas. Here are some links to information on these Amateur Radio Field Day Sites from across the region:

Amateur Radio Field Day Information: http://www.arrl.org/field-day
Amateur Radio Field Day National Locator: http://www.arrl.org/field-day-locator
Eastern Massachusetts Field Day Home Page: http://fd.ema.arrl.org/

The commonwealth of Massachusetts has declared Saturday June 24th, 2017 Amateur Radio Day in honor of the ARRL Field Day event. The details can be seen at this link:

At 900 AM EDT Friday Morning, a few light showers were on radar over parts of Central Massachusetts and behind those showers, satellite imagery is showing clearing across Connecticut, Western Rhode Island and into areas of Eastern New York. This area of clearing is likely to allow for heating and destabilization to allow for thunderstorms with heavy rainfall and a urban and poor drainage flooding risk and frequent lightning and the potential for isolated severe thunderstorms capable of strong to damaging winds and hail. SPC has moved the marginal risk area eastward into Western and Central Massachusetts and North-Central Connecticut and could get into parts of interior Eastern Massachusetts, interior Rhode Island and Northeast Connecticut if clearing works into these areas. The timeframe for this potential is late morning through early evening. As we move into later Friday Night and into Saturday Morning, heavy rainfall and embedded thunderstorms are possible with the cold front and the interaction of the remnants of Cindy. The key items still being sorted for the later Friday Evening into Saturday Afternoon are as follows:

1.) Extent of heavy rainfall and embedded thunderstorm activity Friday Night through Saturday Morning as a cold front moves through the region and interacts with the remnants of Tropical Storm Cindy or the actual track of the remnants of Cindy.
2.) End time of any rainfall and embedded thunderstorms on Saturday. This could occur in the morning or extend into the afternoon.

Coordination messages later in the day on Friday will help better define these factors with the heavy rainfall and embedded thunderstorm activity for later Friday Night into Saturday Afternoon. SKYWARN Self-Activation is likely with Ops at NWS Taunton are possible late Friday Morning through Friday Evening with SKYWARN Self-Activation likely and Ops at NWS Taunton possible Saturday Morning pending the track and interaction of the remnants of Tropical Storm Cindy with the cold front as it sweeps through the area. Below are links to the Storm Prediction Center (SPC) Day-1 Convective Outlook, NWS Taunton Hazardous Weather Outlook and NWS Taunton Experimental Enhanced Hazardous Weather Outlook:

SPC Day-1 Convective Outlook:

NWS Taunton Hazardous Weather Outlook:

NWS Taunton Experimental Enhanced Hazardous Weather Outlook:

Amateur Radio Field Day sites are still encouraged to bring a NOAA All-Hazards Weather Radio, monitor various cell phone weather apps where Amateur Operators may have those available and have a dedicated Ham Radio that can monitor their local SKYWARN Frequency for their area as a best safety and preparedness practice. Also sites that have mobile Internet capability can utilize that capability as a way to monitor for weather information. With Mobile Internet capability, utilizing Echolink to monitor the New England Reflector system on Echolink Conference *NEW-ENG3* Node: 9123/IRLP 9123 would be helpful as well. Please see the link below for the latest SKYWARN Frequency information for the region:

During setup and takedown of Amateur Radio Field Day sites and even while operating, be sure to drink plenty of fluids and eat accordingly. Also having a jacket or sweatshirt during evenings as conditions cool etc. may also be useful while operating this year’s Field Day. The link below features information on Heat Safety:

The next Amateur Radio Field Day coordination message will be posted by 1130 PM Friday Evening. A shortened coordination message regarding Ops at NWS Taunton for Friday will be issued if time allows and Ops at NWS Taunton are necessary.

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Assistant Section Emergency Coordinator
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875 (After 6 PM)
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503 (After 6 PM)
Work Phone #: 508-346-2929 (8 AM-5 PM)
Email Address: rmacedo@rcn.com
Like us on Facebook – http://www.facebook.com/wx1box
Follow us on Twitter – http://twitter.com/wx1box

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Severe Weather and Amateur Radio Field Day Coordination Message #1 – Friday PM 6/23/17-Saturday PM 6/24/17 Severe Weather & Heavy Rainfall Potential

Hello to all..

..The following is the first in a series of messages on Amateur Radio Field Day Weekend and providing information on the weather during this period. This is a tradition spanning over 15 years for Amateur Radio Operators involved with Field Day and the NWS Taunton SKYWARN Program..
..Thunderstorms with heavy rainfall and frequent lightning are likely in western portions of the NWS Taunton coverage area Friday Afternoon and Evening and could spread to eastern areas later Friday Evening. There is the potential for isolated strong to severe thunderstorms in these areas with a strong to damaging wind and hail risk as well..
..Heavy rainfall is possible Friday Night into Saturday Morning depending on the passage of a cold front and interaction with and/or track of the remnants of Tropical Storm Cindy..
..Amateur Radio Field Day Weekend is an annual event where Ham Operators across the United States setup at Emergency Operations Centers, field locations, home locations etc. to operate and test their equipment and skills and make as many radio contacts as possible during the weekend. Many locations can be visited by the public and Amateur Radio Field Day can be a form of outreach to Ham and non-Ham Operators. It is also noted that several states have given proclamations to Amateur Radio/Ham Radio Operators for either an ‘Amateur Radio Day or Amateur Radio Week’ during the month of June or an ‘Amateur Radio Month’ for this month. It is both a fun/preparatory event for Ham Radio Operators for Emergency Communications scenarios..
..SKYWARN Activation with Ops at NWS Taunton are possible Friday Afternoon and Evening with SKYWARN Self-Activation and Ops at NWS Taunton possible Saturday Morning pending the track and interaction of the remnants of Tropical Storm Cindy with the cold front as it sweeps through the area..

There are a large number of Amateur Radio Field Day sites across the NWS Taunton Coverage Area and adjacent NWS Coverage Areas. Here are some links to information on these Amateur Radio Field Day Sites from across the region:

Amateur Radio Field Day Information: http://www.arrl.org/field-day
Amateur Radio Field Day National Locator: http://www.arrl.org/field-day-locator
Eastern Massachusetts Field Day Home Page: http://fd.ema.arrl.org/

The commonwealth of Massachusetts has declared Saturday June 24th, 2017 Amateur Radio Day in honor of the ARRL Field Day event. The details can be seen at this link:

Unlike last year which featured some of the best weather we have seen in recent memory for Field Day weekend, there will be some thunderstorm concerns particularly for Friday and possibly extending into Saturday Morning. Heavy rainfall with urban and poor drainage flooding and frequent lightning are the main threats but there is a risk of strong to damaging winds and hail particularly in western areas Friday Afternoon and Evening. This weather could affect Field Day setup and might linger into the start of Field Day weekend through Saturday Afternoon with clearing and better conditions as we head into Saturday Evening and Sunday. The key items still being sorted for this time period are as follows:

1.) Extent of any severe weather potential in Western New England Friday Afternoon and Evening.
2.) Extent of heavy rainfall and embedded thunderstorm activity Friday Night through Saturday Morning as a cold front moves through the region and interacts with the remnants of Tropical Storm Cindy or the actual track of the remnants of Cindy.
3.) End time of any rainfall and embedded thunderstorms on Saturday. This could occur in the morning or extend into the afternoon.

Coordination messages on Friday will help better define these factors. SKYWARN Activation with Ops at NWS Taunton are possible FridayAfternoon and Evening with SKYWARN Self-Activation and Ops at NWS Taunton possible Saturday Morning pending the track and interaction of the remnants of Cindy with the cold front as it sweeps through the area. Below are links to the Storm Prediction Center (SPC) Day-2 Convective Outlook, NWS Taunton Hazardous Weather Outlook and NWS Taunton Experimental Enhanced Hazardous Weather Outlook:

SPC Day-2 Convective Outlook:

NWS Taunton Hazardous Weather Outlook:

NWS Taunton Experimental Enhanced Hazardous Weather Outlook:

Amateur Radio Field Day sites are still encouraged to bring a NOAA All-Hazards Weather Radio, monitor various cell phone weather apps where Amateur Operators may have those available and have a dedicated Ham Radio that can monitor their local SKYWARN Frequency for their area as a best safety and preparedness practice. Also sites that have mobile Internet capability can utilize that capability as a way to monitor for weather information. With Mobile Internet capability, utilizing Echolink to monitor the New England Reflector system on Echolink Conference *NEW-ENG3* Node: 9123/IRLP 9123 would be helpful as well. Please see the link below for the latest SKYWARN Frequency information for the region:

During setup and takedown of Amateur Radio Field Day sites and even while operating, be sure to drink plenty of fluids and eat accordingly. Also having a jacket or sweatshirt during evenings as conditions cool etc. may also be useful while operating this year’s Field Day. The link below features information on Heat Safety:

The next Amateur Radio Field Day coordination message will be posted by 1000 AM Friday Morning.

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Assistant Section Emergency Coordinator
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875 (After 6 PM)
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503 (After 6 PM)
Work Phone #: 508-346-2929 (8 AM-5 PM)
Email Address: rmacedo@rcn.com
Like us on Facebook – http://www.facebook.com/wx1box
Follow us on Twitter – http://twitter.com/wx1box

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Special Announcement: NWS Taunton Doppler Radar is Back in Service – Major Upgrade Completed

Hello to all…

The NWS Taunton Doppler Radar is now back in service and the major upgrade is completed. The details on what was done with the upgrade and the announcement of the radar being back in service can be seen at the following link:


Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Assistant Section Emergency Coordinator
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875 (After 6 PM)
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503 (After 6 PM)
Work Phone #: 508-346-2929 (8 AM-5 PM)
Email Address: rmacedo@rcn.com
Like us on Facebook – http://www.facebook.com/wx1box
Follow us on Twitter – http://twitter.com/wx1box

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Severe Weather Coordination Message #1 – Wednesday 6/21/17 Severe Weather Potential

Hello to all…

..Isolated to Scattered Strong to Severe Thunderstorms are possible today across potions of Southern New England particularly along and south of the Mass Pike anytime from 2-8 PM today. The Storm Prediction Center (SPC) has placed Connecticut and Western Rhode Island in a marginal risk for severe weather and this marginal risk likely extends into portions of Southeast Massachusetts as well. Strong to damaging winds, hail, frequent lightning and heavy rainfall with urban/poor drainage flooding are the main threats..
..SKYWARN Self-Activation is likely today to monitor severe weather potential. Ops at NWS Taunton are possible depending on the coverage of strong to severe thunderstorms in the area..

Cooling temperatures aloft with an impulse in the atmosphere and sufficient wind shear profiles could set the stage for isolated to scattered strong to severe thunderstorms in Southern New England particularly along and south of the Mass Pike. There should be a sufficient amount of instability but drier air and lower dewpoints moving in the northwest may limit more substantial coverage of strong to severe thunderstorms and is the reason why the main threat area across Southern New England is along and south of the Mass Pike currently. The headlines of the coordination message reflect current thinking.

SKYWARN Self-Activation is likely today to monitor severe weather potential. Ops at NWS Taunton are possible depending on the coverage of strong to severe thunderstorms in the area. This will be the only full coordination message on this severe weather potential. A shortened coordination message will be sent if time allows and Ops at NWS Taunton are initiated. Below is the NWS Taunton Hazardous Weather Outlook, Experimental Enhanced Hazardous Weather Outlook and SPC Day-1 Convective Outlook:

NWS Taunton Hazardous Weather Outlook:

NWS Taunton Experimental Enhanced Hazardous Weather Outlook:

SPC Day-1 Convective Outlook:

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Assistant Section Emergency Coordinator
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875 (After 6 PM)
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503 (After 6 PM)
Work Phone #: 508-346-2929 (8 AM-5 PM)
Email Address: rmacedo@rcn.com
Like us on Facebook – http://www.facebook.com/wx1box
Follow us on Twitter – http://twitter.com/wx1box

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Severe Weather Coordination Message #3 – Monday 6/19/17 Severe Weather/Flash Flood Potential

Hello to all…

..Isolated to Scattered Strong to Severe Thunderstorms likely over Western Massachusetts and North-Central Connecticut Monday Afternoon and Evening and possible across Central Massachusetts and Northeast Connecticut. Strong to damaging winds, frequent lightning and heavy rainfall leading to urban and poor drainage flooding and possibly flash flooding are the primary threats. Hail and perhaps even an isolated brief tornado are secondary threats..
..The Storm Prediction Center (SPC) has continued Western Massachusetts and North-Central Connecticut in a slight to enhanced risk of severe weather for Monday with the enhanced risk area expanded slightly eastward further into Western Massachusetts and Northern Connecticut and a slight risk for severe weather into Central Massachusetts and Northeast Connecticut. The remaining NWS Taunton coverage area has a marginal severe weather risk. The timeframe for severe weather and flash flood potential is 2-11 PM EDT Monday..
..A Flash Flood Watch remains in effect from Monday Afternoon through late Monday Night for Franklin, Hampshire, Hampden, Worcester and Northern Middlesex Counties of Western and Central Massachusetts and Hartford and Tolland Counties of Northern Connecticut..
..SKYWARN Activation with Ops at NWS Taunton will commence by 1 PM EDT Monday for severe weather potential..
..Please note that the scheduled Doppler Radar major upgrade has been delayed to start on Tuesday June 20th lasting through Friday June 23rd given the severe weather potential for Monday June 19th..

A reminder that the NWS Taunton Major Doppler Radar Upgrade previously announced to start on Monday 6/19/17 will be delayed to Tuesday 6/20/17 due to the severe weather and flash flooding potential in western parts of the NWS Taunton coverage area for Monday 6/19/17. This means the upgrade will cover approximately four days from Tuesday 6/20/17 through Friday 6/23/17. The details can be seen at the following link to the Public Information Statement:


Enough severe weather parameters are lining up for a round of isolated to scattered to possibly even scattered to numerous strong to severe thunderstorms across Western Massachusetts and Northern-Central Connecticut. SPC has continued the enhanced risk for severe weather with a slight eastward expansion in the latest update across Western Massachusetts and North-Central Connecticut. The severe weather potential exists through Central Massachusetts and Northeast Connecticut where a slight risk of severe weather is in place but less than areas to the west with the strong to severe thunderstorm potential waning as you get further east due to time of day and more of a marine influence particularly in Southeast New England. While there are some severe weather parameters that are unfavorable, there appears to be the right combination of parameters including high dewpoints, sufficient heating for destabilization. sufficiently strong wind shear profiles and timing and forcing of the cold front that warrants the current enhanced and slight risk areas. The headlines of the coordination message continue to capture things well. The key factors as mentioned in prior messages will determine the coverage of the severe weather and flash flood potential and include:

1.) Sunshine for expected heating and destabilization occurs as expected.
2.) Timing of the cold front is near the favorable timeframe for peak heating.
3.) The forcing of the cold front, high dewpoints and favorably strong wind shear offset other unfavorable parameters for severe weather.

SKYWARN Activation with Ops at NWS Taunton will commence by 1 PM EDT Monday for severe weather potential. This will be the last coordination message as we shift into Amateur Radio Operations mode. Below is the NWS Taunton Flash Flood Watch Statement, Special Weather Statement, Hazardous Weather Outlook, Enhanced Experimental Hazardous Weather Outlook and SPC Day-1 Convective Outlook:

NWS Taunton Flash Flood Watch Statement:

NWS Taunton Special Weather Statement:

NWS Taunton Hazardous Weather Outlook:

NWS Taunton Experimental Enhanced Hazardous Weather Outlook:

SPC Day-1 Convective Outlook:

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Assistant Section Emergency Coordinator
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875 (After 6 PM)
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503 (After 6 PM)
Work Phone #: 508-346-2929 (8 AM-5 PM)
Email Address: rmacedo@rcn.com
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Severe Weather Coordination Message #2 – Monday 6/19/17 Severe Weather/Flash Flood Potential

Hello to all…

..Isolated to Scattered Strong to Severe Thunderstorms likely over Western Massachusetts and North-Central Connecticut Monday Afternoon and Evening. Strong to damaging winds, frequent lightning and heavy rainfall leading to urban and poor drainage flooding and possibly flash flooding are the primary threats. Hail and perhaps even an isolated brief tornado are secondary threats..
..The Storm Prediction Center (SPC) has continued Western Massachusetts and North-Central Connecticut in a slight to enhanced risk of severe weather for Monday. The timeframe for severe weather and flash flood potential is between 2-11 PM EDT Monday..
..A Flash Flood Watch remains in effect from Monday Afternoon through late Monday Night for Franklin, Hampshire and Hampden Counties of Western Massachusetts and Hartford County of Northern Connecticut and is now expanded to include Worcester and Northern Middlesex County of Massachusetts and Tolland County Connecticut..
..SKYWARN Activation with Ops at NWS Taunton will commence by 1 PM EDT Monday for severe weather potential..
..Please note that the scheduled Doppler Radar major upgrade has been delayed to start on Tuesday June 20th lasting through Friday June 23rd given the severe weather potential for Monday June 19th..

Not much change to the earlier thinking on severe weather and flash flooding potential and the key factors that can affect that potential. The Flash Flood Watch has been expanded to include Worcester and Northern Middlesex Counties of Massachusetts and Tolland County Connecticut. It is noted as sent out in a separate message that the NWS Taunton Doppler Radar major upgrade has been delayed to start on Tuesday June 20th. The text of that separate message is listed below:

The NWS Taunton Major Doppler Radar Upgrade previously announced to start on Monday 6/19/17 will be delayed to Tuesday 6/20/17 due to the severe weather and flash flooding potential in western parts of the NWS Taunton coverage area for Monday 6/19/17. This means the upgrade will cover approximately four days from Tuesday 6/20/17 through Friday 6/23/17. The details can be seen at the following link to the Public Information Statement:


The remainder of the text below is unchanged except to note that the next coordination message will be posted by 1000 AM Monday Morning.

Warm and humid air will be entrenched across Southern New England as we head into the day on Monday. A cold front will approach Southern New England Monday Afternoon and move through the region in the late afternoon Monday through Monday Night. Strong wind shear profiles with expected heating and destabilization are expecting to offset a couple other unfavorable parameters for isolated to scattered strong to severe thunderstorms particularly across Western Massachusetts and Northern Connecticut. As the front and any strong to severe thunderstorms make there way eastward it will be into the later afternoon and evening and that will mean weakening of thunderstorms as they move into Eastern New England. The headlines of the coordination message depict the potential for Monday. Key factors for the severe weather and flash flood potential include:

1.) Sunshine for expected heating and destabilization occurs as expected.
2.) Timing of the cold front is near the favorable timeframe for peak heating.
3.) The forcing of the cold front, high dewpoints and favorably strong wind shear offset other unfavorable parameters for severe weather.

SKYWARN Activation with Ops at NWS Taunton will commence by 1 PM EDT Monday for severe weather potential. Another coordination message will be posted by 1000 AM Monday Morning regarding the severe weather and flash flooding potential. Below is the NWS Taunton Flash Flood Watch Statement, Hazardous Weather Outlook, Enhanced Experimental Hazardous Weather Outlook and SPC Day-2 Convective Outlook:

NWS Taunton Flash Flood Watch Statement:

NWS Taunton Hazardous Weather Outlook:

NWS Taunton Experimental Enhanced Hazardous Weather Outlook:

SPC Day-2 Convective Outlook:

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Assistant Section Emergency Coordinator
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875 (After 6 PM)
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503 (After 6 PM)
Work Phone #: 508-346-2929 (8 AM-5 PM)
Email Address: rmacedo@rcn.com
Like us on Facebook – http://www.facebook.com/wx1box
Follow us on Twitter – http://twitter.com/wx1box

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Special Announcement: NWS Taunton Major Doppler Radar Upgrade Start Date Delayed to Tuesday 6/20/17 Due to Severe Weather/Flash Flood Potential

Hello to all…

The NWS Taunton Major Doppler Radar Upgrade previously announced to start on Monday 6/19/17 will be delayed to Tuesday 6/20/17 due to the severe weather and flash flooding potential in western parts of the NWS Taunton coverage area for Monday 6/19/17. This means the upgrade will cover approximately four days from Tuesday 6/20/17 through Friday 6/23/17. The details can be seen at the following link to the Public Information Statement:


Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Assistant Section Emergency Coordinator
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875 (After 6 PM)
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503 (After 6 PM)
Work Phone #: 508-346-2929 (8 AM-5 PM)
Email Address: rmacedo@rcn.com
Like us on Facebook – http://www.facebook.com/wx1box
Follow us on Twitter – http://twitter.com/wx1box

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