Hello to all..
..Isolated to Scattered Strong to Possibly Severe Thunderstorms possible today across interior Southern New England. Strong to possibly damaging winds, hail, and urban and poor drainage flooding. The Storm Prediction Center (SPC) has placed portions of interior Southern New England in a 5% severe weather probability category today..
..Swells from far offshore Hurricane Cristobal will cause high surf and rip currents. A High Surf Advisory is now in effect from 8 PM this evening through 8 PM Thursday for South Coastal Massachusetts and Rhode Island and Cape Cod and the Islands. Rip currents, high surf and swell issues may continue into Friday. Swimmers should use extreme caution at south coast area beaches..
..SKYWARN Self-Activation will monitor severe weather potential. Ops at NWS Taunton are possible but current plan will be to handle via SKYWARN Self-Activation..
Summer-like weather with temperatures near 90 degrees will occur again today across much of Southern New England away from the coast. A cold front will be approaching the region from the west as we get into this afternoon and evening. Wind shear profiles increase after the peak of daytime heating and available instability but the environment may allow for Isolated to Scattered Strong Thunderstorms with the possibility of a severe thunderstorm or two across interior Southern New England. The timeframe for any strong to possibly severe thunderstorm activity is 2-9 PM today. SPC has placed portions of interior Southern New England in a 5% severe weather probability category for today.
Hurricane Cristobal will track well south and east of Southern New England. Swells, high surf and rip currents from Cristobal will affect South Coastal Massachusetts and Rhode Island. A High Surf Advisory is now in effect from 8 PM this evening through 8 PM Thursday for South Coastal Massachusetts and Rhode Island and Cape Cod and the Islands. Rip currents, high surf and swell issues may continue into Friday. Swimmers should use extreme caution at south coast area beaches.
SKYWARN self-activation will monitor the severe weather potential for today. Ops at NWS Taunton are possible but currently the threat will be handled by SKYWARN Self-Activation. This will be the only coordination message on today’s severe weather potential unless a significant upgrade to the situation occurs, time allows and Ops at NWS Taunton are initiated. Below is the NWS Taunton Hazardous Weather Outlook, SPC Day-1 Convective Outlook, and NWS Taunton High Surf Advisory Statement:
NWS Taunton Hazardous Weather Outlook:
SPC Day-1 Convective Outlook:
NWS Taunton High Surf Advisory Statement:
Respectfully Submitted,
Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Assistant Section Emergency Coordinator
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875 (After 6 PM)
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503 (After 6 PM)
Work Phone #: (508) 346-2929 (8 AM-5 PM)
Email Address: rmacedo@rcn.com
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