Special Announcement: Farewell to N1FY-Carl Aveni Assistant SKYWARN Coordinator for NWS Taunton Massachusetts
Hello to all..
We wanted to announce today that N1FY-Carl Aveni, Assistant SKYWARN Coordinator for NWS Taunton Massachusetts, has left the area. His wife is now retired and they are now embarking on a journey to travel Europe for a year and have further travel plans beyond their Europe travel plans through 2015. I’d like to take a few moments to highlight Carl’s accomplishments to the SKYWARN program and to myself personally over his 18 years of voluntary service to SKYWARN.
N1FY-Carl Aveni’s efforts over these 18 years has been extraordinary. The NWS Taunton SKYWARN program would not be where it is today without Carl’s efforts. He is a tremendous person that has helped me not only in my ‘professional volunteer career’ but personally as well. I have been truly blessed to have met all the people I’ve met through volunteerism in the Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES) and SKYWARN and Carl is one of the biggest blessings I could have ever had over all these years. Carl has been able to support me as my professional work commitments have increased volunteering to go to NWS when needed at just about all times day and night. Frankly, Carl has probably logged as much if not more time at the National Weather Service Taunton since his retirement in 2008 than I have. He also assisted at countless SKYWARN Training sessions both teaching and setting up sessions as well as many SKYWARN presentations at Amateur Radio Club meetings and other group meetings. There are also countless other contributions Carl has made to Amateur Radio and ARES including support of an Amateur Radio hospital network in Eastern Massachusetts, work with his local town EOC in Bridgewater and the FEMA-graded Nuclear Power Plant exercises and so much more. We will all miss what Carl has done for all of us and his countless contributions in the names of volunteerism, public and community service. That said, Carl has done his duty and its time to wish him and his wife well on their journey through retirement together through Europe and wherever else their travels take them and I’m sure we will keep in touch with him.
We have known that Carl will be leaving us as early as the beginning of this year. To that end, we are recruiting additional Amateur Radio Operators to serve at NWS Taunton and to help us remotely from their Amateur Radio stations as well. Some of you may have already heard new and different voices at WX1BOX, the Amateur Radio Station at NWS Taunton over the past 6 weeks or so. Carl is a true giant of volunteers for our program. We will likely be recruiting additional people within our ranks to provide support for our program. If you are interested, please feel free to contact me.
The National Weather Service Taunton staff put together a farewell send off gathering for N1FY-Carl Aveni on Wednesday August 13th at NWS Taunton. Ironically, SKYWARN was active that day and providing support for a flash flood event across portions of Southern New England. Representatives from the media (Barry Burbank, WBZ-TV Channel 4), the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (Doug Forbes), members of the WX1BOX Amateur Radio Team (W1VFB-Greg Glynn, KB1MTW-Paul Moss, W1MPN-Mike Neilsen, Eastern Massachusetts ARES Section Emergency Coordinator, KB1KQW-Jim Palmer, Eastern Massachusetts ARES Assistant Section Emergency Coordinator and KD1CY-Rob Macedo) and much of the NWS Taunton and Northeast River Forecast Center staff were present for the send off. Pictures of the send off have been posted to our WX1BOX Facebook Page via the following link:
The WX1BOX Amateur Radio team wishes to thank the entire NWS Taunton and Northeast River Forecast Center staff for their support and generosity in having this send off for Carl and their ongoing support of SKYWARN and Amateur Radio over these many years. Once again, on behalf of NWS Taunton forecasters and the SKYWARN and Amateur Radio community, we wish Carl and his wife, farewell, safe and fun travels and all the best as they begin their retirement journey together. For those who wish to thank and contact Carl directly, you can email him at caave@peoplepc.com
Thanks to all for their support of the NWS Taunton SKYWARN Program!
Respectfully Submitted,
Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Assistant Section Emergency Coordinator
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875 (After 6 PM)
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503 (After 6 PM)
Work Phone #: (508) 346-2929 (8 AM-5 PM)
Email Address: rmacedo@rcn.com
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